May 14, 2012 #1 WarrenHound Songster 8 Years May 14, 2012 314 483 196 texas i bought 2 geese some time ago 1 with some leg and wing problems and i am curious as to if they are the breeds i think they are. what i believe is an african goose and the Toulouse behind him. the believed african believed tolouse (wing bandaged)
i bought 2 geese some time ago 1 with some leg and wing problems and i am curious as to if they are the breeds i think they are. what i believe is an african goose and the Toulouse behind him. the believed african believed tolouse (wing bandaged)
May 14, 2012 #2 Kevin565 Crowing Premium Feather Member 10 Years Dec 22, 2009 43,520 736 486 That neck is pretty slender. My guess would be Brown Chinese. You also have a Saddleback Pomeranian Goose.
That neck is pretty slender. My guess would be Brown Chinese. You also have a Saddleback Pomeranian Goose.
May 16, 2012 Thread starter #3 WarrenHound Songster 8 Years May 14, 2012 314 483 196 texas thanks kevin