Are these girls or boys?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 3, 2009
I have 6 newly hatched chicks and I'm not sure what sex they are. The are the offspring of a partridge chantecler roo and a white americauna hen. Pic 1 and 2 are of the same chick. They kind of have chipmunk markings.


Pic 3 - there are 4 chicks like this, no real markings, a little darker on the back but no distinct lines.
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I was told with this pairing that I should be able to tell the sex by the colours. This is what I was told: "red chicks would be female and white chicks would be males". My problem is, I'm not sure which are red and which are white. They each have a little bit of red in them but the ones that aren't chipmunk like, have more yellow/white to them so I'm not sure!
With them being EE's (technically) I'd say your best bet is that the middle one is a boy, but really it is rather early to tell. If they were hatchery EE's I'd even put money on the middle one, but they're not.
Here are some new pics. They are 1 week old now and I am wondering if anyone knows now. I have someone interested in purchasing some but cannot have males. The first one is the one with chipmunk markings and the other one is the one I think is a female.


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