Are these Leghorns Roosters?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 28, 2013
We are new to chickens. We purchased six brown leghorns at TSC as pullets. I think the first three pics are roos. Do you agree? The last pic I believe is our one and only leghorn hen.

Wow, there's such a difference between the first three and the last pic that it leaves me to believe that the others are roo's. Should start crowing at 16-20 weeks so see what happens then. What will you do with the roo's?
Wow, there's such a difference between the first three and the last pic that it leaves me to believe that the others are roo's. Should start crowing at 16-20 weeks so see what happens then. What will you do with the roo's?
We will probably keep one and then try to find homes for the others. We have a few friends with just hens.
Leghorn boys sure aren't shy, are they? Those huge combs, plus the different color makes them easy to tell apart. Sorry you got so many roosters!
There is a drastic difference in the pics for sure. I have a few white leghorns in my flock - thought they might be roo's due to the combs being so big but they are hens - eggs daily now. Good luck with your flock.
There is a drastic difference in the pics for sure. I have a few white leghorns in my flock - thought they might be roo's due to the combs being so big but they are hens - eggs daily now. Good luck with your flock.

I have white leghorns aswell


and the comb does not usually become so big until week 18

so any comb that large at a younger age is roo

as the pics of OP show

2 with large combs and one with small comb which will grow but clearly indicated 2 Roos and 1 pullet

This is a prime example of identifying breed specific traits and growth

where other breeds may always have a large comb for roos and small for pullets

the Leghorn is different

the pullets keep a small comb all the way to 18 weeks and then it shoots out like a rocket
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I have white leghorns aswell


and the comb does not usually become so big until week 18

so any comb that large at a younger age is roo

as the pics of OP show

2 with large combs and one with small comb which will grow but clearly indicated 2 Roos and 1 pullet

This is a prime example of identifying breed specific traits and growth

where other breeds may always have a large comb for roos and small for pullets

the Leghorn is different

the pullets keep a small comb all the way to 18 weeks and then it shoots out like a rocket
I completely agree about the 2 roo & 1 pullet - just mentioned that I was concerned with mine when they were young because there combs were so big. I cant seem to locate the pics of them at that age but they were like little freaks of nature - lol...
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