are these ones in usa ,somebody have those in usa

Dworska can be "from courtyard" but same way can be "from backyard " or only "from yard".I agree with you Vcomb
I stil like the EE example.Only blue egg gene conect EE and Araucana.Same is with these chickens-they have crest like the old birds use to, but now this crest is on body of Rocks,RIR,NH..Check this link- That's old breed-Leghorn like,Hamburg like,Lakevelder like.There is not Red color in old birds,there is not Whethen,there is not fat fluffy birds.
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There are several "breeds" like this on feathersite that just seem to be the barnyard chicken of an area. I don't think you can call these breeds either.
There's a great deal of information on Feathersite & pictures of many kinds of chickens. The information is not all as accurate as it might be & the pictures are not always the best breed examples. Take what you find there with a grain of salt.
Yes I know. I already contacted them about the Polish chicks on the Houdan page and they removed them. For the most part, it is a great site though, and I sure am glad we have it.
Yes, I too contacted feathersite once about some misinformation (I don't even remember what it was now) and they fixed it almost immediately and sent a nice message thanking me for helping them keep the information accurate.

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