are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

Wait a bit then repost some pics. My NH pullets went through a couple of color stages and now are getting the dark flecks in the hackle area, so they may change a bit. They seem too dark to be buff-colored and too light to be a RIR. Could be Buff Rock, but they seem a tad dark for that.
I have RIR's who are 10 weeks. I have 24 of them. Even the lightest of them are much darker in color. They look like a NHR or a little like my Buckeyes in color, but that would be rare to get a Buckeye by accident. Buckeyes were originally a mix of NHR and RIR so maybe the NHR makes sense. The roos have obvious wattles and combs by 7 weeks. Hope that helps.
wow, you guys are great! I am still holding on to the idea that they may be pullets, I will post more pictures in a couple weeks, maybe by then it will be more obvious. I think it is funny that it is so hard to tell what they are, as they were supposed to be pullets, and RIRs from a hatchery here in oregon!!

whatever they are, they are the sweetest of the bunch, the SWEETEST~! That is why I really hope I can keep them, oh and because I have had them since day-olds and I don't want to start over!!! hahah.

You all are so helpfull!!!

If any of you have any more ideas about them please do post your thoughts!!!!
oh, yeah...I would love to see updated pictures of yours, since I do think mine look a lot like yours at the first two stages in the pictures. thanks so much for all your help with this, I never thought it woudl be so hard to get these birds figured out!!!
I'm so jealous you have Buckeyes! I want some in the worst way. I think it's because I'm from Ohio.

Anyway, I don't think they are RIR's either. I was going to say Buff's till everyone said no. Two of my BO's are that color.
Its possible that they are Buff Rocks due to the yellow legs, but the only reason I thought they were not was they seem way more orangey then actually Buff, however, it could be the light in the picture. Buffs do vary in shade. I have one Buff Orp who is deeper gold and one who is a sunnier gold-yellow so Buff Rocks could also be that way.
Ok, I got some pics out in the soggy weather (ick, squish) of the NH pullets with the RIRs in the pic for comparison. The RIRs are breeder birds, so definitely somewhat darker than most hatchery birds, but you'll get the gist of it. The last picture has my little Buff Orp's head and neck in it and a RIR, too, so you can see the colors of all of my golds and reds. Note, the RIRs and NHs have yellow legs while a Buff Orp will have white. Also, notice their combs and wattles. These are almost 11 weeks old now.




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