are these two light brahmas?


11 Years
May 4, 2008
Hi, I have 6 new babies. Two of them are supposed to be light brahmas, but I've seen other pictures of light brahmas and my two have different coloring. They are only two weeks old in this photo. I don't care what they are, I love them so, just curious! They are: the one closest to the camera and the third one back (in front of the buff)

Thanks for looking!
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They appear to be more Dark Brahma to me. The Light Brahmas feather in more white. Its pretty early though, I am assuming they have feathered legs and feet?
Yup, and they came from ideal, they're supposed to be light brahmas. I know thats not the best picture. Their faces and bellies are yellow, the rest of them is grey. Feathers are coming in black and white on wings. I guess we'll see.

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