Are these two really hens?


5 Years
Jul 5, 2018
I am worried these are roosters, they are about 6-8 months old . Can anyone tell?

I sure hope so, the brown is bullying a young rooster I just got a few days ago, so I thought she’d be a rooster too
Pullets that haven’t started laying yet aren’t mature enough for breeding so they typically scream and run from males trying to breed them.
What she’s probably doing is dominating the young cockerel.
When a cockerel is young they have to dominate the older hens and earn their respect before the hens will let them breed.
The cockerel basically tries to force the issue and often the hens will kick his butt at first.
Over time he will gain the upper hand though.
It took my young guy many weeks to dominate my 3 Wyandottes lol.
Pullets that haven’t started laying yet aren’t mature enough for breeding so they typically scream and run from males trying to breed them.
What she’s probably doing is dominating the young cockerel.
When a cockerel is young they have to dominate the older hens and earn their respect before the hens will let them breed.
The cockerel basically tries to force the issue and often the hens will kick his butt at first.
Over time he will gain the upper hand though.
It took my young guy many weeks to dominate my 3 Wyandottes lol.
That’s interesting! Thank you for the detail, I never had a rooster before !

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