Are these two SLW pullets or cockerels


8 Years
Jul 2, 2016
central Virginia
These two SLW are kind of ambiguous. I would appreciate any help with sex. I have read that white shoulder patches are usually males and the lacing pattern is not very distinct. They were hatched June 6th so they are nearly 3 months old. Thank you! To be honest I got a little mixed up which bird is which when I started taking photos. They kept moving around...


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Same they are the best!
I used to have a bunch of SLWs however, they died from old age, and predators over the years. I would love to get a few more now! In fact, I would love to have more silkies (full sized), more Easters Eggers, Americana Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, SLWs, Columbian Wyandottes,ever other chicken breed on Earth!

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