Are they all Cochin roos? please help, pics


11 Years
Jul 22, 2008
I have four 12 1/2 week old SL Cochins that I bought St. Run. I was hoping for at least one pullet. And I only want one roo, but I am beginning to suspect they are All boys! They are so much fun to watch (hillarious actually, especially when they run
), but they are food hogs, they eat so much! And they bully anyone else and eachother who dares to get near the feeder. I'm fed up. If they are all boys, three of them are going. Please help!!! What do you think?



In my

1 is a boy based on the saddle feathers and green in the tail.

2 is a boy..same reasons

3 looks like a girl to me

4 I am on the fence about..could go either way!
In my (very limited) experience they all look like boys
. I have banty cochins the same age and I ran out to double check but my pullets don't have any wattles. Not sure if them being bantys matter.
Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. They have all had bigger combs and wattles for weeks. I've never had cochins before, but all of my other chickens (same age, but different breed pullets) have hardly any combs or waddles.
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That's funny! I said basically the same thing, before I even read your post! If I would have read farther, I could have just quoted you to begin with!!
I agree with #'s 1-3, but I think #4 is a boy as well. #3 does look very much like a girl.

#3 has always been smaller than the other three, and isn't as feathered out, also gets picked on by the other three. I don't know if that means anything.
So, I guess I may just have to keep feeding the little piggies until I can know for sure if they are all roos or not.
No expert but my Cochin birds that are approx the same age, Scooter- roo is the only one with any comb/wattle showing. My pullets have just began to show. Could be the difference in types of Cochin (???) as these of mine have more feathers then the ones you have- and this may just prove how little I honestly know about them! LOL.

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