Are they all Cochin roos? please help, pics

I am so sorry for your loss.

I feel your pain!!!

Of my eight Cochin Banties, SIX turned out to be cockerels. My two girls didn't have much for a comb, and no waddles, at 12 weeks.

They all look like cockerels to me. Sorry.........

My Silver Laced Cochins pullets are 16 weeks old today and they do not show any waddle or comb development. I had a Partridge Cochin cockerel born on the same day, who had significant waddle and comb development like yours with around 6 weeks of age.
My "Girls" are about 8 weeks. I was told they were Dark Brahma girls but only 1 has the right coloring. I'm hoping these may have mixed because he has Frizzled Cochins on the property as well.. and they are really fluffy when you get near them...




Yeah, I see what you all mean, I think if I had any girls in the mix they wouldn't have as much comb and wattle on them. Thank you all for you help. Now I need to find homes for three cochins.

austinhart123, the little babies in your picture are so cute!!!

DarkUnicorn , I see what you mean, your dark brahmas coloring looks alot different than some of the other dark brahmas that I have seen. I agree w/you, maybe they are mixed w/some cochin?

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