Are they ALL going to go broody !?


8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
Chesterville, Maine
I have yet ANOTHER broody.
First my banty Wyandotte went broody, and now my Marans. Should I put her to use and throw some eggs under her or just let her be ? Both of the broodies arearound 7 months old. I thought they had to be older.
I bought four banty chicks in April. One turned out to be a rooster, and the other three have gone broody three times. I finally gave up and have let two sit on their eggs. I have three chicks that were born on Christmas day and the rest due on Jan. 5. and now I have a MF d'uccle that has gone AWOL and I suspect she's sitting on a nest under the shed. She shows herself every other day or so and then disappears again. That makes out of a flock of 11, two roosters, four broodys and five good girls who give me no trouble!
I don't know what to do but raise chicks!!
My other girls, all 16 of them, give me 12-14 eggs a day. I have 4 eggs under my banty right now, and I'm not sure if I am going to put any under my BCM yet.
I have several going broody, too. I'm down from a dozen eggs to eight in just the past week. Mostly it's my EEs, they always seem to do everything together.
I keep kicking them out of the nests, don't have the heart to give them cold water dunks although it's really not that cold.
You should put her to use! You can stop nature, but why! Think of the cute babies you will have
. They may also get tired of it in a week and get up.

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