Are Tiger Lily's bad for chickens???????

4 Love of Baby Chickens

12 Years
Aug 15, 2007
The middle of Middle Tennessee
As some of y'all know I built a chicken tractor to put some of my chickens out on the grass during the daytime. Well tomorrow I want to move the "Inmate Yard" out into the backyard over all the Tiger Lilly's that are coming up in our yard. Are they bad for chickens? Could they poison my girls? I just want to make sure before I put them on the Tiger Lily's.
here is a bump
There are two different Tiger Lily. There are the Asiatic type and the day lily type. I did some Googling and it seems they are indeed toxic especially the Oriental Lily. Good to know as I have several all over my yard. Hopefully someone here has more info on this.
Actual tiger lilies (Lilium sp.) are toxic in general, I don't know if chickens would actually eat them but I'd be inclined not to find out.

Daylilies, which are sometimes CALLED tiger lilies but are not (Hemerocallis sp.), are 100% nontoxic and in fact the roots and buds are edible to humans (that's what the black 'lily buds' are in your hot and sour soup or mu shu pork, from better-grade chinese restaurants anyhow).

Google each for pics if you're not sure what you've got.

Good luck, have fun,


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