New roo


In the Brooder
Sep 27, 2023
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right area but I'm gonna do it anyway.
Ive had roosters before but I had raised them myself, they had been raised with the girls. I recently had to rehome my roo and I've been offered another roo by a family member who has to many roosters. I can't remember the name of his breed but he's Japanese with beautiful long sickle feathers. I call them the Rapunzel of chickens. Anyway, he's older then my girls and she's give him to me because her other roos are bullying him and she wants to see him go to a good home instead of getting bullied to death or eaten by coyotes. She tells me he's well mannered and will be fine moving to my little city back yard.
My conundrum is I've never had to introduce a new roo to my flock and I really don't want to mess up and loose any of my girls or have to get rid of the new roo. If he doesn't work out that's fine, Ill find him a new home where he will be happy but first I want to do everything in my power to provide that good home for him.
Any advice at all would be very welcomed. Poor fella is moving from a wide open ranch to my concrete jungle and I want to make this as smooth as possible, I don't want to stress him out any more then necessary.
Sounds like maybe an Onagadori. I don't know the temperament of your flock, or how much space is available, but I'd give him an out or room to flee in case you have a couple of dominant hens.

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