Are Tomato Hornworms Toxic to Chicks, Or Not?

Not toxic to chickens or people, google it and there are all kinds of recipes.

I must have the least picky eating chickens on the planet, b/c mine snatch anything I give them, especailly bugs, even stink (squash bugs and rolly pollies). I have literally not found anything they won't eat.
They turn into the Sphinx moth, not the Hummingbird moth. This is a common misconception.

And I thought I'd be the only one saying that.
No they're not toxic but I just read in a magazine that these disgusting creatures actually turn into the hummingbird moth, which I think are beautiful. I may not kill all of them. But the chickens do love them almost as much as the japanese beetles I give them.

They turn into the Sphinx moth, not the Hummingbird moth. This is a common misconception.

And I thought I'd be the only one saying that. /img/smilies/smile.png

Humming bird moth is just another common name for the sphinx moth

"The term "hummingbird moth" is a general term applied to many medium to large moths in the Sphingidae family and Hemaris genus."
They may not be toxic for chickens... or it may just be that in small portions then can handle it. They are poisonous to reptiles. When they feed o tomato plants they are green, which in nature is showing they are toxic. Ones used as feeders are not fed tomatoes, which is why they are blue.
Hi Folks,

there have been a number of threads on the subject of feeding the big ugly green tomato hornworms to chickens. Most people say their chicks love the hornworms, but in almost every thread there's someone who says that the worms are toxic, as a result of feeding on tomato plants.

Has anyone had bad experiences feeding these beasts to their chickens? Also, my chicks are only 5 1/2 weeks old if that matters- but seemed to have very little trouble devouring the smaller horn worms. I don't want to poison them by accident, though.

other factors to consider: I have big hornworms, and my chicks are not full grown yet. Is there any risk from either 1)the horn on the hornworm or 2) the legs/teeth of the hornworm harming the chicks' insides?

thanks in advance.

I have 3 BR, 3 BO, 3Aracauna, and 3 NH Reds Yes, chickens can eat hornworms. This caterpillar is very nutritious and healthy for them to eat. However, hornworm’s main food source is the tomato plants, which contain a toxin known as solanine. This toxin is harmful to the chickens, even death can occur. To prevent any health issues, it’s best to buy hornworms from a reputable seller or raise them yourselves.
I feed them to my adult birds with no problems. Protip: hornworms glow at night under a UV flashlight. Pick one up on Amazon and go on a nocturnal hornworm massacre with ease.

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