Are Violas safe for chickens?


5 Years
Feb 26, 2014
I have seen violets listed as safe and they are of that family. I know they are people edible the species is Viola cornuta. I just wants to know if I need to keep my chicky away from them. I'm lucky and if she is free ranging if I tell her to leave it alone and shoo she'll 90% of the time move off.
And return when you are not there. =D=D=D=D. But in all honesty, I do not know of anything presently eatable by humans to be bad for chickens. I can be wrong of course. I know of many things chickens can eat that we CANT .. I believe your concerns come from dogs not being able to eat some things we enjoy.. ( chocolate, raisins, grapes,, and there are a few more.) HOPE THIS HELPS.

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