Are We Under Terrorist Attack?? Gas $6.79 near me!!!

I went to shopping yesterday and it was 3.52 when I went shopping and two hours later it was 3.69. And I didn't fill up when I started shopping because the gas station was on the other side of the road and I would be making a circle and going by it on the way home.
I have been looking for a small AMG or Triumph I could make a little
electric car out of. Do I have the expertise? Yes. Do I have the time?
Well, not really. Will it ever happen? I hope so.

My little 4 cylinder Nissan pickup gets around 25 per gallon so gas prices
don't phase me much. My GMC truck just sits since it gets 10 mpg.

Anyways, after reading 1acrefarms link, I cam accross this:

"We are convinced there is a conspiracy involving the oil companies, our government, and maybe the automobile manufacturers. It’s fueled by the enormous profits on petroleum and the tax revenues collected on them. Just imagine if every car in America got twice the gas mileage. Imagine the billions of dollars in tax revenue our politicians would lose. It’s the handling of tax revenue that gives politicians such tremendous power.

We believe the oil rich billionaires have bought large shares of the automobile stock and a majority of Congress with pact money contributing millions of dollars to their election campaigns and there are no incentives to increase fuel mileage. We are being robbed of the fruits of our labor by an organized system that we are to blame for.

We vote for candidates, but don’t support them financially. They need our votes, but they must get their campaign funds from lobbyists of the major corporations. That’s why the large corporations get every tax break in the book and we get robbed blind. We must support the senators and congressmen financially so they won’t seek financial aid from the large corporations."

I'm not big on conspiracy theories but I believe there is some truth there.

And Joe & 1acre, please kiss and make up. You guys are both WAY TOO SMART not
to be part of this thread.
My town is out of gas. It cannot be had at any price. We as a nation need to sit back and take a serious look at our energy infrastructure. I know it is handy to have the refineries close to the coast but why not pipe it inland to refineries so you are not as vulnerable to weather. A hurricane should not be able to disrupt supplies that is insane. We have not built a new refinery since the 70s and have actually closed a few. We should have enough refineries to keep them running at 75% capacity or roundabout so others can make up production when some are down. I will not need gas for at least a month so it does not effect me much but what about those who run through a tank in a few days in the course of making a living. Our nation is better than this. We have to do better.
Just for the record I have no hard feelings toward Joe and hope he has none toward me.

I'm sitting here at my laptop contemplating the brooders I need to build. I should
have done it 2 weeks ago but that would have meant Home Depot runs and
actually doing it.


I could go to Petsmart, buy a few dog crates, modify them a little, and have that project

Joe seems to be the kind of no-nonsense guy who would just go with option #2.
1acre, I don't know you well but I suspect, like me, would go with option #1.
I bet they'd be some nice brooders.

Now, wood or pvc? Hmmmmmmm
Should I take the gas guzzler that I can carry wood and pvc on easily or struggle with
my little truck? Decisions.....
No, that isn't a good idea. They turned off street lights around here, on these curvy back roads, people died in crashes. Plus it does help to deter crime. There are shields they can put on street lights to keep the light pointing where it belongs - they just don't want to spend the money.

And light pollution isn't just a USA problem. Check out the International Dark-Sky Association for more info.

Light pollution is a problem that no one seems to care about. Check out this map. Is there any wonder why so many can't see the stars at night anymore? The difference between our two home locations is crazy. Down here you can't see the Milky Way at all. The brighest stars show up, but nothing inbetween, and believe me, there's lots more up there. When we go up to Maine we can see the Milky Way, the number of stars above is amazing - and even further north, when we're up in the North Woods, it is positively dazzling.
I turn off everything electric that we aren't using both during the day and at night. One, it cuts down on my electric bill. Two, I feel it is wasteful to have lights/tv/computer etc on if they aren't being used.

Having said that, I cannot say that I am not guilty of leaving something on when it should have been shut off.

We also recycle. We take our tin cans and glass and plastics to the local recycle bin once a week. It is 3 miles from our house, but we try to make the trips count and only take the stuff down when we are on our way to the store or the post office.
OK Geek PC weighing in again.

Power plants are either on or off. The extra energy they generate must go somewhere.
At night demand is low so they shunt thier extra power to huge load banks (toaster)
just to burn off the nonused energy. Sometimes they may shut down turbines but it takes
so much time and energy to restart that it's easier to just leave them on.

Is it a waste? Yes.
Is it reality? Yes.

this is why all the hype of flourescent bulbs is cr*p. Use the bulbs and save yourself
money but don't think you are helping the environment. You're not.

As each one of our home become more energy "self sufficient" it will decrease the demand
for new power plants. That is a good thing, sort of. Old plants are polluters. New
plants put out almost nothing.

You all may be surprised at how concerned "us evil conservatives" are.
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