Are YOU "ALLOWED" to shoot fox that is after your chickens??

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If we did everything that a federal judge told us to do, then slavery would still be legal! My grandfather didn't charge up Pork Chop Hill with his machine gun blazing just to have me unable to protect my property from varmints.

Not a jury in the country would convict me for protecting my flocks. This country was founded on guns and if it takes a shot heard round the world to protect my flocks, then by gum that is what I'll do.

Well thats a little backward, the Federal Laws was the one that did away with slaves, States in the South thought their laws was what count. Results the War between the States(Cival War)

My Father also fought in WW2 , for our freedom, not so we could BREAK the law. I was raised in KY. Yes we do have the right to Have our Guns(have many) . Does NOT give us the right to illegal kill anything. This thread started about killing foxes after chicken, and as I post early most state permit it,and they are not protect by federal laws.

As you can see people have been fined and even jail time, illegal killing bird of prey.

Remember wifelife is the property of the state or federal goverment.
With all due respect you might want to study your history. The Civil war did not start over slavery.

They are in season until the end of the month.
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With all due respect you might want to study your history. The Civil war did not start over slavery.

True State rights, and Southern States pulling out of the United States.

My point Federal laws would not have kept Slaves, Federal Law put a stop to it.

Never said war was about slavery, State laws ver Federal Laws.
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Get a live trap and catch him if your laws won't allow you to shoot it. I caught one with a can of tuna in the trap when I was trying to catch a coon. Drove him an hour away and turned him loose.
Colorado law allows landowners to protect private property from most
wildlife damage. For information, call (303) 297-1192.
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