Are YOU "ALLOWED" to shoot fox that is after your chickens??

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well..let me just say...with 4 dead birds in 2 days and another one injured...i really, REALLLLLY dont care about whats legal right now...if i catch this weasel...its gonna get a pair of cement shoes...*since i dont have a gun...*...
Ok I'm slow. I just realized you live in Colorado.
I do to.

Normally you have to have a small game liscence, I think it is $30 or so, but if you see them in your livestock, you can shoot them on the spot. We do with coyotes all the time, otherwise we'd have no baby calves by fall.

You probably have your answer by now, but I diddnt really want to read eight pages about the history of our great country.
Not that I dont care, but I have things to do....

If you are worried about it though, I would call the DOW to check, especially if you are in town. Just to be on the safe side.

But otherwise, you should be OK.
I would absolutely shoot it. If legal asks tell them you thought it was rabid. Could be?...Anything that kills my chickens will be shot or trapped. Someone said earlier they don't go away. They are right. We had one that came in our garage and tried to get near the cat hole. They do hunt cats if they are hungry enough. Had to shoot it. Would have killed my cats. Sadly it was coyote that got both of them. Now we have one cat that does not go out and the other is just too nervous to get caught. I hope you can do something soon. It will not give up until it is dead or put in another county somewhere. Good luck with whatever you do.
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ooh yes! they WILL go after cats..i saw it myself in my yard, when i had a neighbor that had alot of strays here...a fox was chasing a cat through my yard early one morning...
I had this problem last summer. I called the DNR and they recommended a list of 3 different trappers to call. One of them told me it would be very expensive for me to use him and plus he wouldn't be able to do much because you can't really set "live" traps for foxes because they are very leary of them and are too smart. The fox was smart enough to know that he couldn't get my chickens at night and therefore started attacking between 4-5 PM. He eventually took off with around 10 chickens but the trapper suggested that I just do some target practice up into the woods where I knew where the fox was coming from. He told me the fox hadn't had any negative consequences from stealing the chickens and once he started hearing the gun shots, he would know they were for him. You know that fox hasn't come back since. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that he won't either! It was horrible coming home from work everyday doing head counts and checking to see if and who was missing! Hope any of this info helps. I live in WV and it was illegal for me to shoot him. In OH it's a different story apparently. Definitely check with the DNR...they were helpful to me! Any other questions feel free to let me know!

This actually turned out to be a pretty good thread, Kudos to all involved...And the bottom line is we all own prey, and predators of all sizes want to eat our aforementioned prey. Different people will handle it different ways, but in this great country we all know that it can and will be handled. Some like myself will handle it the way I see fit, others will do it more lawfully, but in the end we all come to the same conclusion, chickens and predators don't mix.
Our problem fox, after getting 20+ of our chickens in one night (it was our fault--we forgot to close up the yard and turn on the electric fence), and being caught on game-cam several nights after that, never showed its face again once we had our permit to shoot him in hand.

They don't say, "Smart like a fox" for nothing!
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