Are your critters getting bouncy?


11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
Has anyone else noticed their animals bouncing around now that the temps are dropping?

Mine started this past weekend. My older nubian doe has been kicking up her heels, and she looks pretty silly doing it because she is so big. Our young nubian buck sees her doing it and he launches himself into the air, twisting his neck and arching his back for all of the air time he can get.
The two younger pot bellieds are running around here kicking up their heels too.
And my heritage turkeys are running and practicing their flying.
Fall is in the air! And so are most of my animals!
Only the horses, I saw my 20 year old pony loping circles around her pasture. And my new mare wasn't exactly mellow on our ride today.
My horses are full of p*ss and vinegar.My p.o.a pony looks like a fluffy teddy bear with her long winter fur.

The goats are really antsy to.I think its breeding season but I don't have any females
It is breeding season, and my goats are definately flirting up a storm w/ the boys. I'll be glad when everyone is bred. One down, still 6 to go.
We had one cooler morning(56 degrees) and my dogs were wild! Unfortunately, it doesn't last here-supposed to be in the nineties again today. May cool down in January.
Don't you love it when the horses in Floirda get those big wooly coats. You think it gets -20 degrees here.

Yeah I only have to blanket them around the end of Dec-Feb.I probably wouldn't have to because the lowest it gets is 17'.I like my girls to be warm and they look good in there jackets.
i think its funny...we had a brief cold spurt and one of my mares got a real thick winter coat darn near overnight it shes loosing it again lol.

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