Aren't chickens funny little things with odd quirks?

There is a large feeder in the middle of the run. They just eat whenever during the day.

But if you move the feeder a couple of inches to the side, EVERYONE rushes over and spends the next ten minutes eating as quickly as possible. Even though it's the same food they were walking past moments earlier.

My girls like yogurt. I love that Chobani Greek Yogurt and my fav flavor is mango. When my girls see me with a cup of it they all gather around me. The funny thing is they like to eat the fruit chunks but they always want to eat it off my spoon instead of out of the cup! They will jump up at my spoon if I don't give it to them quick enough.
Molly mumbles. She keeps a running commentary all the time, punctuated with the occasional, really short "honk" sound. It's like she's gossiping, telling me all the stories of the day. If she gets excited, she honks. If she's being ignored, she honks. Then she clucks and buh boks and mumbles, almost like she's whining about something.

"Brenda thinks she's the only one around here who can lay The Best Egg. I'm so tired of her announcing her latest egg, as if it were made of gold or better than any of ours. And that Charlie dances around her far too much for his own good. She's such a floozy, have you seen her back? Huh! Rebecca is the bestest Hen of all, she deserves all her status. She's nice to me. Carl sure loves her, but I have seen him mount other hens. Huh! Oh, he's mounted me a few times too, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do in this flock. That little Barbie is so cute. Too bad her first egg had no shell! Poor thing! So surprising too. Huh! Those ducks sure are annoying. Pushy, too. Huh!
Where do those chicks think they're going? Into the meadow without their mother like that? That's dangerous! Huh!"
although this might be normal, my chicks are soooo ADORABLE when they chase a butterfly!
@gryeyes - that's a gold star post! thx for sharing!
@chgirl - wow! I can't imagine!
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Glinda knows her own mind, but she's also a bit scatterbrained. She has a definite preference for laying her eggs in high places. I've even had to shoo her off the roof of the run a time or two when the flock is out free ranging. She's the one who will try out all the nesting boxes, come out, go back in, come out, etc. Sometimes she takes so long making up her mind that she will get caught short and the egg will just plop out where she happens to be right at that moment. One time, she was up on the roost in the run and I saw she had procrastinated too long, stuck my hand out and her egg was laid right in my palm.

Ginger is the smallest hen in our flock, not even weighing a pound. But she's one clever social climber. She reminds me of "Eve" in the movie, All About Eve. She ingratiated herself with the cool kids who roost in the favored spots at the corner of the back wall in the coop. But now she's displaced two of the higher ranking hens and claims the preferred spot, right next to the wall, for herself.

Flash is the flock floozie. Chicklet and Pokey will mount her just like a rooster would.
Kevin, Demi-God? I think not.
The mealworm ball is a neat idea. A flock of chickens hunting moths or crickets in the lawn is a sight to see.

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