Arg!!! Book Issues!!!

You have lots to look forward to! Alice is also very loyal - she seemed to me to be the most "normal" of all the vampires...never seems on the verge of wanting to bite any humans, at least!
I read like a maniac, but I have to disagree on disliking Bella, I adore her character
most of the time, but I agree she does whine sometimes
Wah wah wah I'm in love with a vampire and I can't decide whether to be with him or with my best friend the werewolf. Why can't I fit in?

(Okay - that's all me...I don't remember Bella ever complaining like that...!)

Did any of you see the movie? I haven't seen it.
OMG! Books are soooooo addicting once you get into them!! It's like you go to study, see your book just lying there and just have to read it!! Must study, must study, but what will happen in the next chapter??
What's with this Twilight series?? Like all my friends love it; I just heard about it. Is the movie based off of the series?? It (the book) sounds good....
One of the girls in my book club picked the first book for our October meeting. After starting that first one, I had the whole series read in one week.

I was just as bad with the Harry Potter series. I even went to a midnight book event for the last book. I got home at 2am and was so hyped up and wired from the bash, I couldn't sleep. Hubby found me asleep in the recliner with the book on my face about 8am. I was already half way through it
haven't and really don't what to, I think their going to ruin it.

A dilemma we all face I think - I decided against because it was too close to me reading and loving the series and I did not want it spoilt. Maybe in a couple of years I will give it a try!
What I like about the books is that each one was gripping - no let up in my enjoyment - I found it really difficult to read the very last part of Breaking Dawn cos I did not want to have finished them all!
I agree jacy! Some series seem to get stale as they go on, and it seems the author kind of gives up and finally just ends it - not very satisfying. This was one series that kept up the interest and creativity all the way through, and at the end you still cared about the characters. I wasn't left disappointed at the end of the 4th book (although I missed the characters!)
You know what??? That is EXACTLY what I thought when I read it!! LOL!

I am definitely wondering what she's gonna do when she goes into vampira mode...and leaves her entire family behind! AHAHAH! The suspense is killing me!

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