Arg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't Chose Breed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12 Years
Sep 13, 2009
Stanley, North Dakota
know matter who i ask, or what i say, EVERYONE says the breed of chicken i want to order is not good for a newbie like me:mad:! could anyone help? i need a breed that won't mind being picked up every minite of the day, a quiet breed, one that lays good 24/7, a rare breed that i could buy from or Nature', and one that could withstand winters 10 degrees below. Thanks for the help!
What breed are YOU interested in? Sounds like you have something in mind.
hi, i have black australorpes and ive had them for three years. they are very cold hardy and lay alot of eggs, there a nice docile breed, i pick mine up all the time
I agree-the only thing is that they are not considered rare. Absolutely wonderful birds, though(as are Barred Rocks).
There's no such thing! For one thing, no breed lays eggs that much, and the one's that come closest are nervous and a bit flighty. (Leghorns) ///edit/// there are exceptions to the 'flighty' thing, but in general it is often true! go easy guys!!

Just pick a basic breed and go for it, you'll learn and they'll manage!

Have you looked at this chart? I find it very helpful and mostly accurate. THis list is mostly placid dual purpose breeds, which is what I'd reccomend.

At the top there's a link to a more complete list, which might have you pulling your hair out again, but just "GO for it!" It'll be fine.

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