Argh! Really upset as to what is happening...

I should have quarantined them. I know now in the future to do that. I really didn't even think that putting babies from one group in another would matter. But I have been reading some BYC pages from users and someone had stated 30 days is a good time. I would have never though to keep them quarantined that long.

I just sent an email to the people I got the silkies from asking them. And from what I read (i will read more on the link you provided Heather thank you so much) it sounded like Newcastle...with the drooping of the wings, twisted neck and head, paralysis and such...It said to vaccinate the birds if the others showed signs which I plan on doing then. I don't want my other birds getting this as well just in case.

I have been reading a lot and didn't even know to vaccinate baby chicks right away, but do now. I think in the future, I will be buying from a hatchery where they can vaccinate or at least be prepared to do it myself. Sometimes we go out and see some chicks for sale and buy on the spur of the moment...guess that's going to stop until I become prepared for their sake...its just so hard to NOT buy those cute little fuzzy butts when you're out and about .
I had a similar illness with my last batch. The plain yogurt with crumbles and adding some of the Apple Cidar Vinagar in the water seemed to have helped or the remaining chicks just didn't succumb. I was losing one or two a day and of 26 lost 6. It was horrible. I thought it had to do with stress of them arriving late and maybe a bug from the hatchery as many others reported similar ill chicks. Lethargic, not eating or pooping and then dying.

I hope the rest of yours survive

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