ARGH! Saddle feathers on an EE?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 26, 2012
Ok, since I'm new to this whole chicken thing, I come to you all for your expertise. We all agreed a few weeks ago that this chicken was a pullet, however I guess I freaked myself out, I'm afraid she/he is growing saddle feathers... But this could just be a regular thing with EE's, or who knows what else. I leave this in all of your capable hands. She's 9 weeks old.

I was also wondering which forum do I post to when I'm ready to order more chicks? I want some light Brahmas next year, and I'm not really thrilled with the chickens in my feed store...
I'm definitely not an expert, but I made almost this exact post a few weeks ago when my EE pullet developed the same feathers! She's still a she, but she has long feathers that confused me for a few days as well. Here are the pictures I posted of her for comparison. She was about 9 or 10 weeks I believe. Hope this helps!

Ok, those photos helped a lot, I was so freaked out! I know I have one roo, I totally couldn't have had two, and this one's my favorite!
EEs are very hard to sex. Last year I had one with saddle, pointy hackle, and a sickle tail. I was sure I had a roo. It was confirmed here.

Then my roo started laying eggs.

She looked just like yours.

Oh man, that must've been confusing. Why are they so difficult to sex? Have all the different mixes between Americaunas, Aracaunas, and EE's created a different genetic profile?
My Leghorn, Wyandotte, white rock, australorp and 2 EE have saddle feathers. Although they haven't started laying yet, I would be dumbfounded if they were roos. I think the key to the saddle feathers, is their shape. All the hens in these pics have beautiful rounded feathers (like my chickens), not the pointed saddle feather of a roo. This is very similar to hackles - the feathers around a hen's neck should be rounded, while the roo's will be pointed.
Ok. That's a load off my mind, thank goodness. Should have 4 pullets and a roo. Thank you all so so sooooo much. Oh, does anyone know who I can buy some light brahmas from on this site? I see people recommending that people buy their chicks from people on here...
that is pullet coloring, she is a she. I have noticed EEs and other bearded breeds usually have longer feathers. If it was a roo, the saddle feathers would be pointed. I believe its called a cushion on a hen.

young rooster's saddle feathers

here he is a little older

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