Arizona Chickens

Critter, these are nice pics!

I noticed yesterday that one of my newly hatched chicks was much smaller than the rest and not doing so well. I fed it some nutridrench and it perked up over night. I hate to say it but I think this is my first chick that could not figure out the nipple watering system. I think it was dehidrated and had not gotten any water since the hatch
. I added a regular water dish with marbles and will start occupational therapy tomorrow to teach it how to drink from nipples.
Critter, I forgot, what kind of chick is that? The egg was an interesting color. I don't know much at all about the ethnobotany of herbs, but I find it fascinating.

ca, I was thinking about 5pinkarrows the other day and a lot of other missing members too. I got a bit sad when I was searching web sites for growing fruit trees in Arizona and ran into an old post on another web site by cap1717. She was a member here that had to give up her chickens and hasn't been back. She knew a lot about gardening too.
Maybe she is on the "" sisterpage? I sometimes go to "". NoSkiveez has been there as well.
Now how stinkin' cute is Peaches?!
I have to say, the pic of the mom looking through the window was just heartbreaking.
What a great story, thanks for sharing that with us!
Now how stinkin' cute is Peaches?!
I have to say, the pic of the mom looking through the window was just heartbreaking.
What a great story, thanks for sharing that with us!

NOT looking. It's Hannah's sixth birthday and if I'm gonna get teary eyed it'll be about that, TYVM.

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