Arizona Chickens

Expensive Chickens...

Those must be some great layers or have chocolate flavored meat or something. $70,100?
With every one here getting or hatching chicks, I couldn't stand it any more. B/B/S Ameraucan eggs will arrive tomorrow!! And they have time to hatch before I set my eggs for the Easter hatch-a-long.

Novaleigh the coop is gonna be great!!

Kev- any pics of day old chicks for us??
My new babies are here. They are 2 days old. My two 9 day old ones look so huge next to them.

2 Silver laced Wyandottes and 1 Barred Rock. My little BR does not like to be photographed!

I know this is kinda late, but I have been meaning to post some pics of our new ladies from the show last Saturday!

They're still in the "getting introduced phase" so have been kept together in a separate coop/small run from all of the others, other than a couple of times we've put them elsewhere in the yard in this little pen for a bit so they could catch some new scenery and the groups could check each other out....

Cujo the Stealth roo checking out the new hotties

He thinks his name should be Mr. Fantastic...

We are quite enamored of the two white Modern Games....they are so inquisitive and interesting looking!
Also seen are two Crele Old English Games .

High-Rise Chickens!

The very wild Serama hen we have been calling "Psycho" (although here she is deceptively calm looking) and the Crele OEGBs. We hope to introduce Psycho in with Cujo the roo
and his 3 other Serama ladies (Houdini, Webster and Squirrely)
So Kev, are you going to hatch some more chicks for Easter with us?
I think so, I've been collecting eggs everyday and storing them in the cooled pantry so I could start another batch as soon as this is done. My wife saw them and just rolled her eyes.
I think I should have enough time right? Set them on the 17th of march? We took the hatched ones out this morning, probably writing off the remaining 4 still in the incubator because of the humidity change. So out of 19 eggs at lockdown 10 were shipped lav Orps and 7 hatched. Out of my mixed flock of a CC Marans and FBCMarans roos over EE,Wheaton Marans,Blue Marans, RIR, and Speckled Susex we ended up with what I believe is 3 out of 4 wheaton, 2 out of 2 blue, 1 of 1 Ameraucana, 1 of 1 RIR, and I don't know what the last one is.
So in the incubator still are 3 lav orps and 1 unknown. I'll get some pictures on here as long as nobody makes fun of my ghetto brooder.

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