Arizona Chickens

I need help finding a trailer to move a chicken coop that I found on CL. I think it was Bob's Henhouse that said awhile back that he knew someone with a crane that had helped him move a coop. My new coop is 7'x9' in a backyard with a 10' RV gate (but my RV gate is only 8') if that helps. Any ideas anyone? thanks

Where are you located?

And where is the coop?

I have an 18' dovetail flatbed on a Chevy 5500.
I keep reading that one of the best foods to get for most any poultry is game bird feed. When I ask about it at a feed store no one seems to have any idea what I mean? One store suggested Flaock feed. Not sure if that is the same thing. Can anybody shed some light on the subject for me?
I have my silkies on turkey growth. The thing is I really hate the crumble type of feed for I think that I waist a lot with so much of it powdery. I understand giving that to young chicks but when they get older can a person get a pellot turkey that is good for the silkies?
I always go with medicated chick starter anyway for young chicks. I want to feed my silkies right. They do get grass and the weeds I read about on the forum that is good for them. I give them wild bird seed, looks like scratch with sun flower seeds added,sometimes as a treat. Scrabbled eggs a few times during the week. My turkey provides those eggs for them. Need some advice.

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