Arizona Chickens

I keep reading that one of the best foods to get for most any poultry is game bird feed. When I ask about it at a feed store no one seems to have any idea what I mean? One store suggested Flaock feed. Not sure if that is the same thing. Can anybody shed some light on the subject for me?
I have my silkies on turkey growth. The thing is I really hate the crumble type of feed for I think that I waist a lot with so much of it powdery. I understand giving that to young chicks but when they get older can a person get a pellot turkey that is good for the silkies?
I always go with medicated chick starter anyway for young chicks. I want to feed my silkies right. They do get grass and the weeds I read about on the forum that is good for them. I give them wild bird seed, looks like scratch with sun flower seeds added,sometimes as a treat. Scrabbled eggs a few times during the week. My turkey provides those eggs for them. Need some advice.

Most breeders that I know use chick starter for youngsters. Many use turkey/gamebird feed for older birds. I had been using turkey/gamebird starter/grower, but just switched to finisher as it really seems fresher. It is available pelleted at The Feed Barn (Manna Pro brand). All flock feed is "adequte" not "prime" as far as nutrition goes. I don't use it. There are better choices.
Most breeders that I know use chick starter for youngsters. Many use turkey/gamebird feed for older birds. I had been using turkey/gamebird starter/grower, but just switched to finisher as it really seems fresher. It is available pelleted at The Feed Barn (Manna Pro brand). All flock feed is "adequte" not "prime" as far as nutrition goes. I don't use it. There are better choices.

So turkey starter grower is the crumble type? What is finisher is that gamebird type also? Is it crumbled? Is turkey/ gamebird pellets? All of this feed is Manno pro? I think feedbarn is to far away from me.
Is there anyone here in Az that is good at wood working? i was hoping to see if someone could make a wooden coop sign for the new coop that is being built. If someone could PM me about where I can get this done. Please let me know.

Hey Phoenicians, I have a lead on a (hopefully) steady order for 8 dozen happy-hen-laid eggs per week, if anyone's interested. Artisan baker/chef/cooking teacher. Egg co-op, anyone?

Contact: [email protected]


I'm going to be selling my layer hens if anyone is needing a few. We decided that since they are so loud, and we are in an HOA, that it's probably pushing our luck to keep the big hens. Also my allergies have been terrible ever since they were full grown, might be a coincidence, or maybe not. I've never been this bad in my life though, and the only thing that changed was that my hens were full grown the same time it started. Anyway, I'll be putting up a craigslist ad, but would prefer to find BYC homes if possible.
My hens are all one year old, we bought them around 2/10/2011. We have 1 of each; buff orpington, silver laced wyandotte, rhode island red, cuckoo marans, and one australorp. We get between 4 and 5 eggs a day most days. The lowest they got in winter was 4 eggs every other day, but they are back to 4 or 5 eggs a day now. They are a little faded from using the mister and sun tanning last summer and are slowly replacing one feather here and another there. All have been completely healthy except for my wyandotte who had an eye infection / injury when she was a few months old. They like pellets best but will eat crumble well too.

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