Arizona Chickens

I had a fruiting mulberry tree in my yard when I lived in Nebraska. THere was one winter we went over a month without the temperature going over freezing, and most of that time had highs in the lower twenties. Sure didn't harm that tree any....although I had never seen a mulberry bear fruit, and when I came home one day and found that SOMEONE had scattered and mashed purple berries all over my sidewalk I was LIVID. And then I realized..
...thank goodness I didn't confront any of hte neighborhood kids!
The mullberries that I harvested were from a younger tree and were easy to pick because the tree was sitting next to a hugh pile of rocks. Rocks dug up to prepare the space for a garden. But if your tree is hanging over the sidewalk i can imagine the mess. Tere are many trees that drop fruit that gets crushed. In the historic section of Philiadelphia many Ginko Trees were planted along the narrow streets. Japanese plants were very popular in the mid to late 1800s and we see them here with a vine that bears tons of white blossoms that the bees love. Anyway the fruit that the Ginko bears stinks like upchuck when squashed even though the tree is very pretty. "The Lemon flower is pretty but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat." from Peter Paul and Mary song
What happened to Harry Belafonte!? Ok,I'm old he sang it, I think in the 50's, we had all his albums when a kid
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Quote: Definition of the barring doesn't have anything to do with it. Males have more of the white bars, so their bars are narrower, and The bird's overall appearance in lighter than that of a female or a male that is het. for barring. Squeeky's assessment seems correct to me, and I have a number of these veloceraptors roaming through m back yard.
Non-chicken related...I woke up this am to contractions and...well "other" signs that my baby is ready to make his/her debut! Wish me luck as the day progresses!

Oh how exciting!!!
I'm wishing you the best of luck!

Oh, BTW, today is a GREAT day for a birthday.

That is exciting for sure Petra. Hope all goes smoothly.

It is a great day for a birthday!! Today is my grandson Cooper's 2nd birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday Gallo!!!

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For the chick I had to cull last week, yes, I just broke the neck with a swift swing of the hatchet, with the neck braced against the floor of my trailer. If she is too lively, you can use a nail on either side of her neck to help secure her or usd a second person.

For the larger birds, I prefer severing the arteries in the neck. It is much easier to wrap them in a towel and do that, as opposed to getting them to lay down nicely.

If you choose that's the best for Button, I hope it is swift and painless for all of you.

Thanks. I gave her some more poly vi sol this morning. She was standing under the coop when I found her. When I get home this evening, I'm gonna let the girls free range. That will give me a chance to sit with Button and see how she's doing and give her extra treats.

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