Arizona Chickens

So far my fluffy butts have stayed clean, however I have a couple birds who are really messy eaters. I feed ff, so sometimes it is a little wetter, and one bird in particular (Snoop) continually has a chest full of dried crumbles. We nickname her piggly wiggly. Leticia is the second messiest, nd the other two seem to eat fine without scattering it everywhere. We give all 4 of them a bath in the backyard with warm water and a washcloth, then let them air dry. Phillie looks very cute in her towel!

Phillie is my messy eater as well as my poopy butt. She's the one who gets in the food trough and stands in the food. I took them off ff but I still wet their feed to make it easier for Eleanor to break down due to her crop issues. Phil always has a white crusty mess on her chest until bath day.
My buttercup laid her first egg 18 days ago. I haven't seen any more eggs from her. I searched all over, but nothing. Well today, I hear my buttercup rooster make an awful racket so I ran outside. I hear my buttercup hen singing the egg song. So I tracked her down, and found a nest of 9 eggs, all hers. She had squeezed through the gate of the dog run and gone behind some junk in the farthest corner of the run. Good thing my dogs are good with chickens, she's been walking past them at least 9 times to lay her eggs! These eggs are up to 2-ish weeks old, outside, so I assume they're no good. Shame. My boxer was all sorts of excited when I was collecting the eggs, so I think he got the ones he could reach. Well, now I know. She's the only hen I have who has hidden her eggs! :lol:

ETA: The Boxer I would like to GIVE AWAY! PM me if you want a boxer.
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My buttercup laid her first egg 18 days ago. I haven't seen any more eggs from her. I searched all over, but nothing. Well today, I hear my buttercup rooster make an awful racket so I ran outside. I hear my buttercup hen singing the egg song. So I tracked her down, and found a nest of 9 eggs, all hers. She had squeezed through the gate of the dog run and gone behind some junk in the farthest corner of the run. Good thing my dogs are good with chickens, she's been walking past them at least 9 times to lay her eggs! These eggs are up to 2-ish weeks old, outside, so I assume they're no good. Shame. My boxer was all sorts of excited when I was collecting the eggs, so I think he got the ones he could reach. Well, now I know. She's the only hen I have who has hidden her eggs!

ETA: The Boxer I would like to GIVE AWAY! PM me if you want a boxer.

I think the eggs will be fine. It's not hot out. I leave mine on the counter for a few weeks and if they were in the shade outside I doubt they were over 70 degrees which is where keep my house temp. If you are worried about it, put them in water. If they float they aren't good.
does anyone know a place in/around mesa that i can find chicks? i've already called mesa feed barn and they only have red or black sex links. i'm looking for other stuff, brahmas particularly . thanks for any info.
@ arizonachicken, my heart fluttered when you mentioned the boxer. i've wanted one for probably 8 years. but its not a wise time for me to keep adding to my animal list right now - i'm not even keeping the chicks i'm raising, they're going to my mom. *sigh
does anyone know a place in/around mesa that i can find chicks? i've already called mesa feed barn and they only have red or black sex links. i'm looking for other stuff, brahmas particularly . thanks for any info.
@ arizonachicken, my heart fluttered when you mentioned the boxer. i've wanted one for probably 8 years. but its not a wise time for me to keep adding to my animal list right now - i'm not even keeping the chicks i'm raising, they're going to my mom. *sigh

I saw chicks on Tuesday at the Pet Club at Country Club and 1st(?). I can't remember all they had but no brahmas. I think EEs, BAs, BRs and a couple of BSLs.
They also had BRs and EEs at the Pet Club at Gilbert and Baseline recently.
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4 days and 5 eggs! My barred rock joined the layer club. She got it right, she put hers in the nesting box. Maybe she can teach the other to quit laying in the run.
RIP Trixie May 4, 2012 ~ January 16, 2014

Sad day here..Treated her for an impacted crop the last couple days. She was doing good and when I went to lock up the girls tonight I found her passed away on the coop floor

Zoe, 8.6 years old, my granddog had to be put down today. I found her in the home office today laying down near a pool of black blood. Rushed to the vet...
Dr gave her blood transfusion but still passed more "pools" Ultrasound showed a large tumor in her spleen and one in her stomach. Dr said she was too weak for surgery and she could hemorrhage and pass. Daughter and son in law had a tough decision to make. Zoe was a rescue and had a great life.

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