Arizona Chickens

Why wouldnt they ship chickens they are one of the biggest poultry distributers in the US.

I think they were asking because of the heat. Shipping anything LIVE to Phoenix usually stops in the summer here. I was surprised to read that they shipped them to you as well. Maybe they'll put an ice pack in the box. Lol.

Remember to quote whichever question/comment you were replying to. Not everyone reads every single post. When you quote someone it sends a message to them to inform them otherwise there's a chance that the next time they log on, theres a chance that your comment is missed.
I will take some hens, how old are they and what breed?? and the MOST important question are they healthy lol. :jumpy

You can also try @city farm I think is how you do it. What all do you have City Farm?
You can also do @
I have 15 three week old chicks right now, 7 Plymouth Barred Rocks, 4 Gold and 4 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 25 females Plymouth Barred Rocks and a Rare Exotic Breed on the way. I also have a GSP, German Rott, Rott/sharpe mix, mom has three chihuahuas and my brother has two standard poodles, 5 cats, a bunch of rats, mice, snakes, bearded dragons, parots and other birds lol. Got tired typing all that lol. :jumpy
whoa. I have 2 Delawares, 1 Brahma, 3 BO and 1 White Leghorn.
This was posted to a FB group I'm in. Thought I'd re-post it here. Enjoy.

"Mostly native, plus a few exotic plants also loved by chickens. All but the shortest plants provide shelter for the chickens in addition to food.
Compiled by Brad Lancaster 2004 – 2008

Strange, I've been reading about rainwater harvesting on a web site by a guy named Brad Lancaster, I wonder if it's the same guy? Interesting list of plants!
I took a load to my new place in Avra Valley, then was heading into town to get some feed at OK Feeds. Took Avra Valley Rd across to Silver bell and headed south, just north of Cortaro Rd my clutch decided its useful life was done. Tow truck to my Marana house was $67, unloading my truck into the driveway was lots of fun in the rain! Got a new clutch kit off eBay for $135, but it won't deliver 'til Monday, so I'm charging the battery on the Harley as we speak.
My chicken run was flooded, but since it wasn't coming down on their heads, the chickens seemed to like it.

That's a bummer about the clutch. Stuff like that always seems to happen at the worst possible moment.
For some reason I thought you'd been here a while! Welcome! What kind of tortoise do you have?
I took a load to my new place in Avra Valley, then was heading into town to get some feed at OK Feeds. Took Avra Valley Rd across to Silver bell and headed south, just north of Cortaro Rd my clutch decided its useful life was done. Tow truck to my Marana house was $67, unloading my truck into the driveway was lots of fun in the rain! Got a new clutch kit off eBay for $135, but it won't deliver 'til Monday, so I'm charging the battery on the Harley as we speak.
My chicken run was flooded, but since it wasn't coming down on their heads, the chickens seemed to like it.
ah man. did you get your feed or do you need help getting some? let me know if you need help before the new clutch comes in. BTW did you get the phone number of that house near you?
Ok, I just want to make a quick point about the newish @ thingy. I think it's a great way to let people know you're talking about them without quoting them on something, but it has to be done right or the notice doesn't get sent. First add the @ symbol, but don't move the cursor over a space before you type the first couple/few letters of the person you're referring to. When you type the first letters a box appears with names close to the alphabetical order that you're seeking. Add more letters until the name appears, when you find the name click on it and it will highlight as blue. If you just type the name it won't turn blue, you have to click on it in the box. If it doesn't turn blue, the person won't get the notification. E.g.: @City farm

ETA: of course you have to get the right person.
I just sent a notice to CityFarm, who lives in Twin Falls.
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Ok, I just want to make a quick point about the newish @ thingy.  I think it's a great way to let people know you're talking about them without quoting them on something, but it has to be done right or the notice doesn't get sent.  First add the @ symbol, but don't move the cursor over a space before you type the first couple/few letters of the person you're referring to.  When you type the first letters a box appears with names close to the alphabetical order that you're seeking.  Add more letters until the name appears, when you find the name click on it and it will highlight as blue.  If you just type the name it won't turn blue, you have to click on it in the box.  If it doesn't turn blue, the person won't get the notification.  E.g.: @CityFarm

Not working on my ipad. :idunno
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