Arizona Chickens

Sudden changes are indeed worse than gradual changes. There are so many different setups that saying use/don't use misters, fans, evap, a/c or whatever isn't always appropriate. Those are all ideas that may or may not work for a particular situation. A yard with many huge shade trees has very different needs than one with no natural shade. Sun reflected off a block wall is different than overhead sun. Providing what your animals need to survive during weather extremes does not make them weaker. Providing cooling of some sort during 114 degree days is no different than providing an enclosed coop or barn for shelter during 0 degree weather.
Sudden changes are indeed worse than gradual changes. There are so many different setups that saying use/don't use misters, fans, evap, a/c or whatever isn't always appropriate. Those are all ideas that may or may not work for a particular situation. A yard with many huge shade trees has very different needs than one with no natural shade. Sun reflected off a block wall is different than overhead sun. Providing what your animals need to survive during weather extremes does not make them weaker. Providing cooling of some sort during 114 degree days is no different than providing an enclosed coop or barn for shelter during 0 degree weather.
So well said.
Sorry to hear about all the losses yesterday.
That heat was just brutal and we're in for the same today.
I dont use misters for my girls all i did was make a bowl shaped hole by the water facet and turn thr water on until its full and over running, my girls will then go over to it if they want to cool down or wait until it seeps into the ground and then lay and roll around in the mud lol, i call them my chicken-pigs lol.
This is the beginning of construction on our newest coop! I'm so excited, can't wait for the babies to get here.

I love repurposing things! Here's a rusted out water trough that my MIL was going to throw away, I planted some extra tomato seedlings in it and WOW! they are doing great.

Two great projects! How big will the coop be?
I have sand in one area that has misters and the Marans like to dig in and lay in the wet sand. The EE pullets end up flying over a couple fences to join the Marans so it seems they prefer the wet sand to grass. I may get sand for all the other areas as well.
My Marans and NNs seem to handle the heat better than the Orps, Ameraucanas & EEs. I don't even see them holding their wings out nor panting.
Sudden changes are indeed worse than gradual changes.  There are so many different setups that saying use/don't use misters, fans, evap, a/c or whatever  isn't always appropriate.  Those are all ideas that may or may not work for a particular situation.  A yard with many huge shade trees has very different needs than one with no natural shade.  Sun reflected off a block wall is different than overhead sun.  Providing what your animals need to survive during weather extremes does not make them weaker.  Providing cooling of some sort during 114 degree days is no different than providing an enclosed coop or barn for shelter during 0 degree weather.
I would think that frozen bottles and misters are different than providing a coop at 0 degrees. Nature will not provide them with super cooled water where it would provide wind and shade. They'll find cool earth. Although I do supplement somewhat because I spray their run down occasionally. Many people don't use coops at all. Hot or cold the birds adapt.
My Marans probably do best in the heat too. My Cuckoo Marans is steadily laying four eggs a week even while approaching five years of age. My other Marans has laid right through the heat too, but now she's molting. My EE and Orloff probably suffer the most. I think it's harder to dissipate the heat with a such a smaller comb.
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Sorry to hear of the losses. It was so hot yesterday.

I was worried about my birds, but they were okay. Hope today is a little cooler. I've only got 3 (of 4) that are laying, and I get 2-3 eggs everyday. The 4th (EE) was having egg problems starting months ago, and now she's broody. No eggs from her.

I guess this weekend is it for her broodiness. It's been 3 weeks. I need to take care of the broody situation with a couple of chicks, I think.
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