Arizona Chickens

So true about those eggs! I grafted 3 chicks to my broody last night and took the two wooden and one quitter out. I wasn't careful enough with that quitter and it broke open all over my leg and ground....augh!!!! I couldn't shower fast enough and wanted to vomit. Big lesson learned!
Depends, on breed, & age sometimes as well. Are the 3 original all Buff's? They are good layers. You would be surprised what makes them stop laying, it could be a handfull of reasons..
nugget and bemo are buffs one of them started laying a few weeks ago so were are still getting midget eggs from her. BBQ is a white amerucana? (i can't spell) and isn't laying yet either. The new girls are spotted sussex and a barnyard mix. I know the two other original ladies will lay soon, but the one new chicken has been here at least a month with no eggs and the other two just got here a week and a half ago...

@a little chiken
nugget and bemo are buffs one of them started laying a few weeks ago so were are still getting midget eggs from her. BBQ is a white amerucana? (i can't spell) and isn't laying yet either. The new girls are spotted sussex and a barnyard mix. I know the two other original ladies will lay soon, but the one new chicken has been here at least a month with no eggs and the other two just got here a week and a half ago...
Buff is a color, not a breed
Last spring we took down our old dilapidated sun roof that covered the back patio and built a new one, leaving us with a pile of vintage wrought iron. What originally started out as an idea of using the metal for a trellis to block off the view to our scrap piles of wood and wire turned into a trellis/potting shed (6' X 10') made completely from salvaged materials (which in turn reduced the size of the scrap piles we were trying to hide). We covered the structure with old concrete re-mesh that used to be part of the fence surrounding the garden. We planted tangerine crossvines on one side which have done ok and on two other corners we planted passion fruit vines, which have done spectacularly well. I grew these passionfruit vines from small cuttings I took in late spring and they are getting huge. The first fruits are now nearing completion and are the size of large kiwis! There are hundreds of flower buds ready to open over the next couple of days; the aroma is going to be intoxicating.


Could someone help me out with filling out this forum ? Last year I had a late entry and didn't have to fill this out. What would my exhibitor # be? Does variety mean color? And what are all the abbreviations on the right side?
Is there any way to get the forms mailed to me? or is to late for that? I found them listed under pics on the FB page

Tables were in short supply at the Friday potluck last year. Soup can be tricky to eat while trying to balance everything on your lap. Food that will stay on a plate is easier for those eating it and for those cleaning up. Since I am probably the one who will be cleaning up, I am sitting here holding my head and moaning "Nooooooo!" at the thought of soup at the potluck. (Note to self: This is probably not the best time for me to reply. I rebuilt one of my coops this afternoon and I'm cranky at the thought of doing anything but soak in a tub....) Please ignore the curmudgeon who has been typing this post. She might be more agreeable tomorrow. And she certainly could use some chicken soup for the aches and pains.

I hope there will be bowls but I am not sure. It depends on what supplies I have to buy myself and how much is budgeted for reimbursing me. I will know more tomorrow, after the club meeting.

The exhibitor number gets assigned after you submit the application. Birds in the show are labeled with exhibitor number, not the owner's name. There will be a list of exhibitors at the front desk when the show starts. Be sure to grab one early because they often run out. When you see a bird you like in the show and you want to know who it belongs to, find the exhibitor number on the coop tag and look up the exhibitor on that list. Showing by number helps prevent the judges from being influenced by the name of the exhibitor.

C = Cock ( a male chicken over 1 year old)
H = Hen ( a female chicken over 1 year old)
CKL = Cockerel (a male chicken under 1 year old)
P = Pullet ( a female chicken under 1 year old)

I think "OT" and "YT" means "Old Trio" or "Young Trio" but I am not sure of this.

"Fee" is the entry fee for that bird or trio.

Breed is the breed name: "Brahma" or "Cochin" or "Plymouth Rock" or whatever.

Variety is usually the color or color pattern: "Black" or "Barred" or "Mottled" or "Columbian" or whatever.

The breed and variety names should match the current American Poultry Association (APA) or American Bantam Association (ABA) standard. If you don't have a copy of the relevant standard, I strongly recommend getting one. You can get the APA Standard of Perfection from the American Poultry Association. It is an expensive book to produce and it is copyrighted. You have to get it from them. If you ask for one for Christmas make sure you give the person the APA or ABA website link so they know where they can order one for you

The APA Standard of Perfection has a lot of information in it about what makes a good quality bird. It is definitely worth getting for anyone interested in improving the quality of the birds in their backyard.

I can do something else. I was trying to think of something that goes far and is warm. I will think of something. :) sry you are so tired and thank you for posting the information.

@a little chiken
awesome. I have 3 NN roosters and I think I will be giving one to my friend so I currently do not need one. I hope he goes to a good home.
buff orpington is a breed? That is what they are and what i see everyone shortening "buff orpington" to is Buff. sorry for the confusion...

Sorry I'm just being picky. There are buff birds in many other breeds. Orpingtons may just be the most common but there are Buff Plymouth Rocks, Buff Ameraucanas, Buff get the picture.
My 3 week old broiler chicks are mostly roosters. One of them started making noises that sound more like an adult chicken and less like a baby chick. When I pick him up he makes more of a bocking sound now than the normal yelling they do lol. Kind of a lower more threatening sound. He's the boss of all the roosters. Hopefully he won't start crowing before I'm done with him. :fl

I had cornish cross last year and was shocked to hear an 8 week old crowing.  I didn't think my neighbors would be too happy if he got the full blown crow.  He sounded like a very weird squeaky toy.  I did not expect crowing at such a young age. 

lol, ,,that's too funny, they sure sound like a very weird squeaky toy don't they!!!:lau

my to Black Copper Maran Roos who are 4.5 months old now are trying to practice their crow's, however since [/]cityFarm[/@] gave me that Roo No Crow he can't CROW anymore OR even practice very much!! :yesss: Hooray! !!!
Last spring we took down our old dilapidated sun roof that covered the back patio and built a new one, leaving us with a pile of vintage wrought iron. What originally started out as an idea of using the metal for a trellis to block off the view to our scrap piles of wood and wire turned into a trellis/potting shed (6' X 10') made completely from salvaged materials (which in turn reduced the size of the scrap piles we were trying to hide). We covered the structure with old concrete re-mesh that used to be part of the fence surrounding the garden. We planted tangerine crossvines on one side which have done ok and on two other corners we planted passion fruit vines, which have done spectacularly well. I grew these passionfruit vines from small cuttings I took in late spring and they are getting huge. The first fruits are now nearing completion and are the size of large kiwis! There are hundreds of flower buds ready to open over the next couple of days; the aroma is going to be intoxicating.
yes, how exciting to reuse something in purpose it for more green and something more beautiful! Congratulations! I'll take some passion fruit seeds please!!!:D

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