Arizona Chickens

I know about the combs which is why I mentioned it. Some people aren't aware that the single comb are to the RIW as EEs are to Ameraucanas. Years ago I had RIWs which is why I decided to get them again. I like their persona, the rooster I had was the most mellow roo I ever had. I have no experience with the Crevecouers but like the way they look, which is why I considered them & the others.

Oh sorry, the way it was stated made me think you thought there were two types.
I have never showed any birds. How do they get fed and watered?

The cups for food and water are provided by the club or you can bring your own (6 oz tuna cans or cat food cans are used and clipped to the cage). Food is provided in bags at the ends of the isle. It is just scratch. You can provide your own food for your birds if you want them to stay on their usual diet. Coop in, people feed and water their own birds. There are supposed to be volunteers who will go around and make sure the birds are fed and watered but I've always checked on my own birds since I bring my own feed.
You have to feed and water them yourself. As Marcia has already mentioned, the cups are provided. So is the feed (scratch, not a long-term diet). But you have to make sure your birds have food and water. You can make arrangements for someone else to feed and water them if you won't be there, but it has to be by special arrangement. Exhibitors are generally expected to feed and water their own birds.

The cups for food and water are provided by the club or you can bring your own (6 oz tuna cans or cat food cans are used and clipped to the cage). Food is provided in bags at the ends of the isle. It is just scratch. You can provide your own food for your birds if you want them to stay on their usual diet. Coop in, people feed and water their own birds. There are supposed to be volunteers who will go around and make sure the birds are fed and watered but I've always checked on my own birds since I bring my own feed.
Sounds doable. I will be there all weekend, so I can check up on them every once in a while.
Well, this show will be the first I ever attended. I was planning on scoping it out and figuring out how it works. I might enter a trio of Giants and a trio of Cochins, just want to make sure they are cared for.

When I watch one of the Cochins walking away from me, they always remind me of an old man in baggy pants!

I tell people my orps are showing off their fancy panties when they're running. You gotta love the chickens with the fluffy butts!
I think you should show too. I'll probably drive down to admire all the beautiful birds on display. I've discovered recently it's a shorter drive time wise for me to Tucson compared to downtown Phoenix. Had to go to the Grand Jury (didn't get picked) & it took over 2 hours to get home vs an hour & 10 mins to Tucson.
Here is a plaque that the National Wildlife Federation has.. We will have a brochure at the party. See ya all there..
That is very cool! One of my favorite yards in my neighborhood has one of these.
Can you tell what plant is growing in the far right corner? It is in the pot that is cream colored?
I love the cana's in the background City Farm! ♡
Aren't they so beautiful ! Thank you for sharing.. Yesterday I found the darker ones tore up! Either the duck's or the jungle fowl and her babies. She keeps getting up in everything.. The babies are still to small, or they are flying up to the small opening.. Little s4!7's.. We don't have enough sun with all of our trees. Our neighbor said we could come use her huge space.. Anyho,
You have to feed and water them yourself. As Marcia has already mentioned, the cups are provided. So is the feed (scratch, not a long-term diet). But you have to make sure your birds have food and water. You can make arrangements for someone else to feed and water them if you won't be there, but it has to be by special arrangement. Exhibitors are generally expected to feed and water their own birds.

Guess my brain wasn't working, I was thinking of the Pima County Fair show. There they would feed and water your birds for you. TPPFFC show you do feed and water yourself, you are right.
I have 3 girls that are 5 1/2 months old. An Easter Egger and 2 Red Sexlinks............... Not a single egg yet.
Could I be doing something wrong? Seems strange that all 3 would be "late bloomers"
They are in a commercial coop for up to 4 chickens with a 10'x3' run attached. Feeding them layers feed, ACV in water (with the mother), I toss in cilantro, basil and marigold flowers once in awhile. they love the treats.

I hear ya, only one of our E.E. has layed, & honestly she only lays 3 a week. I do think it is the time of year. Only certain breeds will lay durring the winter. Our B.O. Layed non stop.. So it seems.. She is past her time for laying and has stopped..
I was telling my DH. We might have to wait till spring for farm fresh eggs, we are down to 7 eggs.. The girls need a break.. We are raising a hole new batch that won't lay till spring anyway.. So we might need to buy some from someone on here in about 1 month..
I have 3 girls that are 5 1/2 months old. An Easter Egger and 2 Red Sexlinks............... Not a single egg yet.
Could I be doing something wrong? Seems strange that all 3 would be "late bloomers"
They are in a commercial coop for up to 4 chickens with a 10'x3' run attached. Feeding them layers feed, ACV in water (with the mother), I toss in cilantro, basil and marigold flowers once in awhile. they love the treats.
Be patient, they are still young. Many pullets don't lay until they are 6 months or older. Are they showing physical signs of nearing point of lay (comb and wattles getting darker red, the bones above the vent spreading apart) or behavioral changes (spending time in the nest box, more vocal, submissive squat when you put your hand on their back)? I had an EE who had never laid an egg when we re-homed her at 15 months of age, and we have a 7-month-old RSL who has only laid 3 whole eggs and countless fairy eggs. Just like human females, they'll mature at their own pace!

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