Arizona Chickens

* I run a misting system to help keep her cool. Chickens with feathered feet aren't meant for hot climates but she does okay. I keep plenty of water in there and the coop door open. But she prefers the mud as soon as she gets hot til late at night. So I put Guinea Pig Litter under the coop. It's not flat on the ground. It's a good 15 inches off the ground so I made her some stairs. She prefers to be on the top row of nesting boxes when she sleeps. When it stops raining, I'll take some pics. I'm sure she's out enjoying it. My water duck (my Rooster who LOVES water!¡) and Guinea Hen are probably out in the rain too. :) *
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* I run a misting system to help keep her cool. Chickens with feathered feet aren't meant for hot climates but she does okay. I keep plenty of water in there and the coop door open. But she prefers the mud as soon as she gets hot til late at night. So I put Guinea Pig Litter under the coop. It's not flat on the ground. It's a good 15 inches off the ground so I made her some stairs. She prefers to be on the top row of nesting boxes when she sleeps. When it stops raining, I'll take some pics. I'm sure she's out enjoying it. My water duck (my Rooster who LOVE water!¡) and Guinea Hen are probably out in the rain too. :) *

My entire flock had a dust bathing orgy yesterday morning before the rains came, and now I keep finding them standing outside in the light drizzle preening and foraging. My whole flock seems to appreciate a light rain, but as soon as it gets a little heavier they all disappear into the coop.
@desertmarcy turned us onto this wonderful tasting Pure Maple Syrup.. Here is the link..
For you coffee drinkers.
I teaspoon of unsweetened Coco
Pure maple syrup to taste. You have to mix, then mix counterclockwise untill it turns into a paste.
Pour your fresh ground coffee from a French press, yum.. Right over the Coco, maple paste..
Then add heavy whipping cream.. The paste makes a froth..

I just made some, need coffee with this wet weather.. Have so much to do. This week a client brought in fresh
homemade roasted coffee. What a treat today... Blessing from above...
this is a question about your Isbar Roo that just "started crowing". I have a beautiful juvenile breeding pair and wanted to know when to expect my cockerel to start crowing? We live "out" so it''ll be a cool treat, as he's our only Roo right now. He's about 4 mos and 1 week.
Actually, I was looking up all of the hatches we had this last summer. You would think I would know. Our guy started about 1 month ago.. So you are close to hearing him. His comb still looks small and not a bright red color.. Burt's comb seemed to turn darker and larger in about a 2 week time period.. Your bird's look happy.. Love the photo's.. We only have the rooster.. Then next few we might keep will hopefully be a hen..
I have wanted that breed as well.. Did you hand raise her?

Actually I got her from someone on here. He got her already hand raised. He just continued to work with her. I work with her as well to keep her used to being handled. This particular breed is easy to do that with. They've been in a few movies. You can actually train them to use a toilet. I will say this though, she's never pooped anywhere except on my kitchen floor, in the house. I had to bring her in when we revamped her chicken house. I let her outta the kennel to eat. She hopped up on my counter to watch me crush egg shells. Then hopped down when I was done. She shoulda been a dog or cat. She's well behaved in the house.

Spoiled brat she is.. Your really get to enjoy her.. Will you post photo's of her?? Maybe you could enter the BYC 2016 calendar ???
I am in Tucson, Arizaon, and I was wondering if any bodies chickens are laying? I have 11 pullers that are about 7 months old, and they arnt laying!:(. Why!?

By the way, they are 3 RHR, 2 black austrolorps, 2 ameraucanas, 1 buff orp, 1 red sex link, 1 white leghorn, and 1 blue cochin.


Have you tried THREATINNG them??

.... :lau
... that's a Good one @City farm!!

It worked. Showed the duck's the roasting pan..

Here is a duck egg.. Pastry's are exquisite when using duck's egg's.. They do taste different..
I've been planting out my spring seeds and have a couple of new plants set to germinate. OK, more than a couple! Some were in the seed box, others I bought because I wanted to try growing something different. I'll see how everything does in the heat. New to my garden will be Fish Peppers, Purple Chiltepenes, Bishop's Hat Peppers, White Guava, Henna, Ashwagandha, Utah Tall and Red Venture Celery, Midori Giant Edamame, Fennel, Deep Purple and Dragon Carrots, Erbett Chard, Asia Red Amaranth, and Hybrid Red Mizuna. But the two I'm most excited to try are vines. I got Kakai Hulless Pumpkins and Gac Fruit. I think the Kakai Pumpkins will do well here, the Gac Fruit I'm not too sure of. The Gac seeds are large and strange looking, like organic throwing stars, and I think in Vietnam they call the seeds "wooden tortoises" because of their shape. They will get a protected spot, and I might need to get them a greenhouse. Yeah, they need a greenhouse! The Bishop's Cap Peppers will be interesting too. I got the seed from a Vietnamese friend in Sacramento, and the pepper plants themselves get 4 feet tall! The peppers are sweet on the outer rim and get hotter in toward the seeds. Delicious fruit on very robust, productive bushes. The peppers themselves are unusual in shape and ripen from green to orange to red. Oh I can't wait to come over. :goodpost: did you find what you needed for your greenhouse? I'm hoping to have lots of seeds to share in the box. Eventually!

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