Arizona Chickens

Hi all, I'm actually from CA but wanted to ask AZ chicken people a question about people.
Dr's are testing my son for Valley Fever and I've heard AZ has dealt with it a lot.
I'm hoping someone has some great remedies in addition to the medications prescribed.
Wondering if Oxine has been used for it before. Hope you don't mind the people question, but I thought you folks might be my best bet.
The Dr said meds can take up to a month to work and he's had breathing problems.
Thank you so much for your time
Hi all, I'm actually from CA but wanted to ask AZ chicken people a question about people.
Dr's are testing my son for Valley Fever and I've heard AZ has dealt with it a lot.
I'm hoping someone has some great remedies in addition to the medications prescribed.
Wondering if Oxine has been used for it before. Hope you don't mind the people question, but I thought you folks might be my best bet.
The Dr said meds can take up to a month to work and he's had breathing problems.
Thank you so much for your time

Typical treatment is Fluonazole, though I've heard the Valley Fever Research Institute has successfully tested another drug that works much faster but is not FDA approved. I haven't heard of Oxine being used against Valley Fever.
Well I have decided to try and find someone in AZ  that has Cemani eggs so I can go pick them up. That way I can make sure they have the chickens and the eggs stay out of the post office. 

Have you tried Rare Chicken Breeds Sell/Swap on Facebook? There's currently a few auctions with Cemani juveniles and chicks. They're either GFF or Toni-Marie lines or a combo of both, also Svart Hona if you're not particular about specific fibro breed.
Have you tried Rare Chicken Breeds Sell/Swap on Facebook? There's currently a few auctions with Cemani juveniles and chicks. They're either GFF or Toni-Marie lines or a combo of both, also Svart Hona if you're not particular about specific fibro breed.
Ty I submitted to join the group. Will take a look at it after admin accecpts me. I am looking for Cemani and Tolbunt frizzle/smooth
Hi all, I'm actually from CA but wanted to ask AZ chicken people a question about people.
Dr's are testing my son for Valley Fever and I've heard AZ has dealt with it a lot.
I'm hoping someone has some great remedies in addition to the medications prescribed.
Wondering if Oxine has been used for it before. Hope you don't mind the people question, but I thought you folks might be my best bet.
The Dr said meds can take up to a month to work and he's had breathing problems.
Thank you so much for your time

sometimes there are secondary side effects from having valley fever. Here's what someone i know used after about a year of suffering. They had xrays and blood work to confirm it. This is homeopathic so its not by a doctor's prescription. Also for breathing treatments, they need to be done between 3-5 in the morning. There's a few hospitals out there that did it a certain time of the day that it seemed to help the patients throughout the day with better results.

Valley fever is no fun.. hope you caught it in time before it get's to bad.. we have heard that it is 6 months or more some time's
Hey all, I've got a small backyard flock of 9 birds that are about 2 years old. They're production reds (except for one Buckeye?), and they are not aging well at all. With another brutal summer about to start, I think it's time to bring out the knives.

The problem is... this is my first flock, and I've never harvested or processed any poultry before. Does anyone know of any really good resources for a first-timer? Or have good advice, especially for a desert dweller (e.g. any possible way to cut down on water usage)? Or... maybe you would be willing to help a stranger if you happen to live in the Tucson area?? :D I've read some good tutorials from the Meat Birds section of the forum, but honestly I would feel much better having an expert around. It's a little difficult to try consulting a computer/printout when in the middle of things, I imagine.

How did you all learn how to kill and butcher a chicken?


We have done a few class's here to help others, but you are a bit further from us.. Have someone help you for sure..

Just seeing that poor little chick breaks my heart. :hit

I had not thought about the freezer. It seems like it would be quick, but you are saying it is slow. I hate when babies don't make it.

Well, idk, I just don't do the knife, or the ring of the neck.. Ever.. So when they are young and past the point of no return, the freezer work's for us.
Our problem is that I keep holding on, thinking it will better.. But never does.. So now after so many being born to early or sick.. Or whatever the reason, you can just tell when it is time.. Sometimes it takes most of my day checking in on them, contemplating , freezer, no freezer,.. It GET'S to be a bit much. Plus the chick will end up dead, then I am mad at myself for not doing the freezer..
Hi all, I'm actually from CA but wanted to ask AZ chicken people a question about people.
Dr's are testing my son for Valley Fever and I've heard AZ has dealt with it a lot.
I'm hoping someone has some great remedies in addition to the medications prescribed.
Wondering if Oxine has been used for it before. Hope you don't mind the people question, but I thought you folks might be my best bet.
The Dr said meds can take up to a month to work and he's had breathing problems.
Thank you so much for your time

Oil of oregano. Specifically Oreganol P73 like you can buy here or this one but the latter one is stronger and really hard to take. Just don't buy the cheaper brands.

Last year I had a chronic dry cough that had lasted 2 weeks and just wouldn't go away. I woke up one night with a coughing fit, just felt this "something" irritating my lungs and the coughing was an unsuccessful attempt to ease it. I thought I might have valley fever since I work outside a lot even when it is windy, kicking up dust. Never diagnosed, mind you, so can't say for sure! But on advice from someone on this thread, I researched and decided to try Oreganol P73. At $43, I thought it was worth a shot. After all, my medical co-pay is $40, so if I went in to see someone, I'd just be throwing it away with nothing to show for it (not a lot of faith in mainstream medicine). 3X a day, 2-4 drops in a cup of water. Cough was gone in 2 days! It came back a little, but not as bad, and I continued to take the Oreganol. Cough gone. It is a potent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic oil. Users swear by it. I read over 200 reviews on Amazon. People use it at the first sign of cold or flu and say it kicks butt. I keep this on hand now always. Just be careful with it, it will burn like you have just eaten really hot peppers.
No but I am thankful for our stereo .. We gave that record player away,.. I emailed & called 2 different places to help us fix it, with no luck.. Then the wires came apart.. DH was a bit concerned because of it's age... I did want to hug it before it left our property.. Does that count??
That counts big time. LP's are still a big hit over in Japan, and a few groups these days are still cutting vinyl. I've got TOO MANY stereos up in the house and need to rid my self of a few. I also dabble in Electronics, and can repair all these old beasts by myself with a good scope, multi-meter and soldering gun. No interest in selling them, but rather give them away after some minor electronic issues, and it's fun working on them, and I hope the new owners don't gut them and turn them into a fish tank or wet bar. I only ask reimbursment for a new cartridge which seems to be the most expensive part. Needles are less than $10 bucks and I have a supply of them here.
Oil of oregano. Specifically Oreganol P73 like you can buy here or this one but the latter one is stronger and really hard to take. Just don't buy the cheaper brands.

Last year I had a chronic dry cough that had lasted 2 weeks and just wouldn't go away. I woke up one night with a coughing fit, just felt this "something" irritating my lungs and the coughing was an unsuccessful attempt to ease it. I thought I might have valley fever since I work outside a lot even when it is windy, kicking up dust. Never diagnosed, mind you, so can't say for sure! But on advice from someone on this thread, I researched and decided to try Oreganol P73. At $43, I thought it was worth a shot. After all, my medical co-pay is $40, so if I went in to see someone, I'd just be throwing it away with nothing to show for it (not a lot of faith in mainstream medicine).  3X a day, 2-4 drops in a cup of water. Cough was gone in 2 days! It came back a little, but not as bad, and I continued to take the Oreganol. Cough gone. It is a potent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic oil. Users swear by it. I read over 200 reviews on Amazon. People use it at the first sign of cold or flu and say it kicks butt. I keep this on hand now always. Just be careful with it, it will burn like you have just eaten really hot peppers.
thank you so much! I actually do have some from Doterra that is good. Just started giving it to him today. But I wasn't aware of just how awesome it is. Thank you so much for the info. It helps me know I'm on the right path :) I appreciate it

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