Arizona Chickens

I picked up my little ladies last week and we're getting 1-2 more orpingtons this week. I know they wont be ready to go into a coop until July but was wondering if anyone purchased a coop from SanTan Valley Coops?? What were your opinions?

Here's my girls♡
Hi all! It's been awhile since I've posted, things have been busy around here, and then I had to catch up on the forum, lol.

It's been a crazy year in my garden. We got a good crop on the winter veggies, but not so much with the spring planting, I think that the odd weather we had messed things up.

It certainly had an effect on my peaches. The trees got a heavy crop, and the taste is delicious, but the fruit is the size of small apricots. I usually put a bunch up, but this year they are too small to do anything but eat them and make a big batch of jam. If anyone wants some fresh, organic peaches, pm me. I live in Mesa.

The other fruit trees are doing well, we got good crops from the mulberry, apricot and grapefruit and the plums will be ripe soon. The mulberry tree is over 20 feet, and further research has shown that under ideal circumstances a Pakistani mulberry can get 40 or 50 feet tall. I think that my yard might be ideal conditions.

I've finally convinced my husband to let me set up a rabbit colony, so in the fall I'm going to start raising meat rabbits.

I'm down to nine chickens, since my EE, Jubilation, died this winter, she was almost 6. The other chickens are doing really well. My Russian Orloff, Natasha, is broody, which I'm happy about, since I'm getting chicks in June. I'm getting Red Stars (sex links), Easter Eggers and Fayoumis. I'm really excited about the Fayoumis, since that will be a new breed for me. I'm getting 25 chicks, so I'll have extras if anyone is interested in those breeds.

My youngest is fascinated by the chickens, and I have to watch her carefully, or she'll sneak outside and turn them loose to free range.
Welcome back!
I love Pakistani mulberries but the trees get too big. I got a dwarf mulberry and the fruit stays within reach.

Let us know how it goes with the rabbit colony. I used to raise meat rabbits years ago and thought about starting up again. Maybe someday.

Hi Guys, some of you do not know me, some of you I hope will remember me. I am in central Mo, south of 44, out side o Salem. I was lessening to the news when they told the story of Rent-a-Chicken business. The family that started it has been able to quit their day jobs. I just had to tell everyone back home, you may already know about it, I do not know.

My friend has only 4 hens and 1 handsome roaster now. They just didn't need more eggs. But he has always had chickens everyplace he has lived.

I have a picture to post but the web sit is acting up. I will try to post a picture of their web sit.

I will be back this fall for an operation. Then off again in the spring.
Interesting business. I'm not sure why someone would rather rent chickens and a coop instead of just buying everything.
Thanks to @City farm for coming out to help process chickens! I hope next time we're not so rushed!
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Hi Guys, some of you do not know me, some of you I hope will remember me. I am in central Mo, south of 44, out side o Salem. I was lessening to the news when they told the story of Rent-a-Chicken business. The family that started it has been able to quit their day jobs. I just had to tell everyone back home, you may already know about it, I do not know.

My friend has only 4 hens and 1 handsome roaster now. They just didn't need more eggs. But he has always had chickens everyplace he has lived.

I have a picture to post but the web sit is acting up. I will try to post a picture of their web sit.

I will be back this fall for an operation. Then off again in the spring.

Good to hear from you! Hope all is well.

The rent-a-chicken business idea is interesting. Still not sure how it makes money considering everything it includes.

They must have a lot of storage capacity available for the off-season, or else they count on converting renters to owners before the season is over so they don't have to overwinter a huge coop inventory.

Their local feed mill must be much cheaper than what we pay here for non-GMO feed.

Willing to bet the bulk of their income stream is from the help line subscriptions.

Thanks for posting this!
@houdiniduck I am in Mesa. That's funny about the splash/blue thing. The grass is always greener I guess
If you want the roos but don't want to come get them, I am more than happy to bring them to you. While I can and will process if necessary, I much prefer rehoming.
I picked up my little ladies last week and we're getting 1-2 more orpingtons this week. I know they wont be ready to go into a coop until July but was wondering if anyone purchased a coop from SanTan Valley Coops?? What were your opinions?

Here's my girls♡

Cute kids, both child and chicks! I had Marco build a couple coops for me when I was relocating from the White Mountains area. The coops are very sturdy, well made, heavy and have withstood the rains and sun very well. He used several layers of thicker plywood and then weather proofed it and put shingles on the roof.
The incubator was such a distraction, all I could do is turn, check, humity, turn, check temp, bla-bla-bla.. Only broody hen's for us now..

However since we are done raising chick's we will only come and visit others

Well After we get the shoe covers  you are welcome to come out and see all of our babies. 
ok, I'll come visit and tell me where you get the shoe covers! ;)

We have "S4?T" SHOES just for the chicken run. When people want to come visit they bring their own "S..T" SHOES... For the chicken run..:frow
Pics!!! I tried to crop and point out the BLRW roos as much as possible. No joke, but it's pretty much: if it's splash, it's a hen, if it's true blue, it's a roo ;) They were hatched the first week of February and are barely beginning to try to crow. Honestly, the only one I can hear is the Marans.
Oooo, I see a duck? What breed, & more photo's??
Hi Guys, some of you do not know me, some of you I hope will remember me. I am in central Mo, south of 44, out side o Salem. I was lessening to the news when they told the story of Rent-a-Chicken business. The family that started it has been able to quit their day jobs. I just had to tell everyone back home, you may already know about it, I do not know.

My friend has only 4 hens and 1 handsome roaster now. They just didn't need more eggs. But he has always had chickens everyplace he has lived.

I have a picture to post but the web sit is acting up. I will try to post a picture of their web sit.

I will be back this fall for an operation. Then off again in the spring.

That firewood you left was awesome.. I only use one piece at a time.. It was some of the best we have ever used!! Smells good & burned really slow.. We just cooked over the fire last night.. Yum..our favorite smelling firewood is Alligator Bark Juniper... The aroma is wonderful!!
I picked up my little ladies last week and we're getting 1-2 more orpingtons this week. I know they wont be ready to go into a coop until July but was wondering if anyone purchased a coop from SanTan Valley Coops?? What were your opinions?

Here's my girls♡

Never been there, We made one, added to one, and got one free from @LadyKotaDoria which is the cuties one ever.. We have used it to the point of repair.. There is someone on C.L. Or even a handyman, That will build to your specks..

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