Arizona Chickens

Two of my bantam Wyandottes are co-nesting on 20 eggs. If you are local, and you can find a way to keep them warm on the way home, these eggs tend to hatch like popcorn. Healthy, vigorous little things. (BYOB: Bring your own broody?) I just took seven away and put them in my incubator, but most of them (I think) will hatch in the next 1-6 days. My incubator is on Day 3, so I can't boost the humidity and turn the turner off. Picture are of actually parents and previous chicks (some now juveniles). This juvenile (last two pictures) has gorgeous yellow legs. Her feathers are still matte as she is just getting in her shiny adult feathers. PM if you'd like my phone number or address.

Or conversely, does anyone have a militantly broody hen I could borrow?
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Thanks to @City farm
for coming out to help process chickens!  I hope next time we're not so rushed!

We do work quick don't we. Bing, bang, powwow, getter done... If we had more time I would of been loading up our vehicle with your amazing plants.. When you weren't looking, :lau
Don't forget that plant in the bag over to the left of the gardening station, it might not take.. It actually took of from a root.. I think it is a purple Orchid tree..? Normally I can tell from the seed's when the start to come up.. But this one was a root, shoot.. since it is nice out we will have another fire soon & B.Y.C. Seed exchange.. Potluck
[COLOR=141823]Two of my bantam Wyandottes are co-nesting on 20 eggs. If you are local, and you can find a way to keep them warm on the way home, these eggs tend to hatch like popcorn. Healthy, vigorous little things. (BYOB: Bring your own broody?) I just took seven away and put them in my incubator, but most of them (I think) will hatch in the next 1-6 days. My incubator is on Day 3, so I can't boost the humidity and turn the turner off. Picture are of actually parents and previous chicks (some now juveniles). This juvenile (last two pictures) has gorgeous yellow legs. Her feathers are still matte as she is just getting in her shiny adult feathers. PM if you'd like my phone number or address.[/COLOR] Or conversely, does anyone have a militantly broody hen I could borrow?
Beautiful photo's.. We have a continual broody silkie, but we don't let her leave the house..
More pics, you say? Awwww yesss!!!!

First, allow me to introduce our Pekin duck, Elly (although we've started calling her Baymax XD)

Next up is our Kakhi Campbell Ana (she hardly ever leaves the coop so this was a rare sighting)

Next up is the lovely Queen Elsa, above everyone else, of course!

... and our other Blue Andalusian ... currently nameless!! I just call her "bluey" like the clown in FX/2

And ahhhh, my gorgeous white Ameraucana ... wasn't expecting such a lovely bird .. her name is Muffaletta because of her adorable muffs ^_^

And finally, our mystery chick!! I still don't know if this is a hen or roo, a Cochin or what...she(?) is Leopard-Face! And also, unfortunately, the victim of pecking!! :(

I hope y'all enjoyed my showing off!!! :-D :-D
I've enjoyed reading about keeping chickens cool. My chicks won't be here till August, but since I'm in the southeast, it'll be hot here till October. I'm new here, but I always learn so much reading these forums!
So I have 2 drakes for sale if anyone is interested I live in maricopa city az 1 ancona drake and 1 welsh harlequin drake I just don't need 3 drakes just 1 so these two need new homes message me if interested 20 each

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