Arizona Chickens

Grapes are loaded with sugar. My stepson is pre-Diabetic and can't eat them. I would think Chickens aren't supposed to eat them.

As the others have noted, most of the grapes will be out of chicken jumping height and the few that they will be able to reach during the short grape season won't cause problems. That's been my experience.
Grape vines are fine for the run. So are grapes for chickens. The seeds are not toxic for all animals. Dogs, yes. Birds, no. Plant seedless if you're worried about it. Obviously, grapes are high sugar and are treats, not the main source of food, but I'm sure that's rather obvious. You'd either be the region's greatest farmer or have $$ to sustain a big flock on grapes alone. Ha.ha.
I bought 3 grape vines today to shade the east side of the paddocks
i have lots of different kinds of ivy including Afghan i think its called and some English ivy, in the main chicken yard area , we had this ivy covering the arch way entering our back yard for years before getting our chickens, they dont seem to eat it at all..? but they do dig around the bottom of the plants so i covered it with wire to keep that from happening. i have no idea if ivy is bad around chickens, but mine seem fine around it,............??????
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@houdiniduck I am in Mesa. That's funny about the splash/blue thing. The grass is always greener I guess
If you want the roos but don't want to come get them, I am more than happy to bring them to you. While I can and will process if necessary, I much prefer rehoming.
Where did they come from? Do you happen to know their lines?
@houdiniduck They are from McMurray, I'm afraid I don't know more than than that u_u I'm not a breeder at all, just think they're gorgeous. All I could get was straight run so I got a bunch to increase the odds of getting hens.

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