Arizona Chickens

Hey everyone! Hope all is well.
The bar is nearly done. Shooting for end of June opening.

The girls are good. The ones that are left. I had to cull 2. Now we have 3 left. Still plenty of eggs for our family.
The girls love grapes and the grape leaves. I have one vine growing in the side of their run. They pick at it all the time. During the hot months we freeze the grapes and feed them to the girls in the heat of the day for some relief.
Hey everyone! Hope all is well.
The bar is nearly done. Shooting for end of June opening.

The girls are good. The ones that are left. I had to cull 2. Now we have 3 left. Still plenty of eggs for our family.
The girls love grapes and the grape leaves. I have one vine growing in the side of their run. They pick at it all the time. During the hot months we freeze the grapes and feed them to the girls in the heat of the day for some relief.
I bought three grape plants for the front of the coop
I'll have two Cinnamon Queens, a Golden-Laced Wyandotte, a Speckled Sussex and an Easter Egger.  After two years of waiting and researching, I can't wait for them to get here!

I don't know what the cinnamon queens are but the rest sounds like fun!
desertmarcy has some chicks that she sells out of Tucson, pullets tfrom good parentage/lines if you'd like any others, say like an Amercuana, sec links and black or blue copper Marans even turkeys!
Are you in Arizona now?
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Hi all! It's been awhile since I've posted, things have been busy around here, and then I had to catch up on the forum, lol.

It's been a crazy year in my garden. We got a good crop on the winter veggies, but not so much with the spring planting, I think that the odd weather we had messed things up.

It certainly had an effect on my peaches. The trees got a heavy crop, and the taste is delicious, but the fruit is the size of small apricots. I usually put a bunch up, but this year they are too small to do anything but eat them and make a big batch of jam. If anyone wants some fresh, organic peaches, pm me. I live in Mesa.

The other fruit trees are doing well, we got good crops from the mulberry, apricot and grapefruit and the plums will be ripe soon. The mulberry tree is over 20 feet, and further research has shown that under ideal circumstances a Pakistani mulberry can get 40 or 50 feet tall. I think that my yard might be ideal conditions.

I've finally convinced my husband to let me set up a rabbit colony, so in the fall I'm going to start raising meat rabbits.

I'm down to nine chickens, since my EE, Jubilation, died this winter, she was almost 6. The other chickens are doing really well. My Russian Orloff, Natasha, is broody, which I'm happy about, since I'm getting chicks in June. I'm getting Red Stars (sex links), Easter Eggers and Fayoumis. I'm really excited about the Fayoumis, since that will be a new breed for me. I'm getting 25 chicks, so I'll have extras if anyone is interested in those breeds.

My youngest is fascinated by the chickens, and I have to watch her carefully, or she'll sneak outside and turn them loose to free range.
lol, the kids are quite funny that way, they come over and set loose the chickens! I have a couple that like to do that too! :hugs
Momto3, it's really funny, especially since the chickens love her back. They'll let her walk right up and pay them or even pick them up.

For shade around the coop, I've had good luck with a pomegranate. It loses its leaves, but that is in the fall, when shade isn't as important, and the chickens don't seem to like the leaves.

I don't know what the cinnamon queens are but the rest sounds like fun!
desertmarcy has some chicks that she sells out of Tucson, pullets tfrom good parentage/lines if you'd like any others, say like an Amercuana, sec links and black or blue copper Marans even turkeys!
Are you in Arizona now?

Cinnamon Queens are a hybrid chicken. They have several names, but all are Red Sex Link chickens. I don't live in AZ. I'm in GA. The chicks do sound interesting and I wish I could get some of them, but, alas, I'm too far away. I've been keeping up with the "how to keep chickens cool" because it does get hot here. And very humid!
Hi all I just got my new babies they are Tolbunt Polish smooth and frizzle and they are sooo cute. I still have some Cochins and a Cornish I am trying to sell but did not want to ship them at their age now. I also redid the paddock with a new nesting system for better use of space. The boxes are on the bottom for broodies with a poop deck above them to catch all the droppings from roosting birds. All in one neat little area. It is easy to keep clean just scoop out the straw once a week and all done
Hi all I just got my new babies they are Tolbunt Polish smooth and frizzle and they are sooo cute. I still have some Cochins and a Cornish I am trying to sell but did not want to ship them at their age now. I also redid the paddock with a new nesting system for better use of space. The boxes are on the bottom for broodies with a poop deck above them to catch all the droppings from roosting birds. All in one neat little area. It is easy to keep clean just scoop out the straw once a week and all done .
, that looks like a good idea to me!! ...but of course I'm still a newbie I've only been having chickens maybe about two and a half years now. I may consider that idea if I need one for myself. Currently all my animals free range except for some of the babies which I'm using dog kennels and a big extra dog water dishes for them to step in as they go eat their feed; they'll have to step in it to get to their food, and it will help cool them down from this hot heat! :cd

I had convinced myself that all my eggs were dead, but when I checked the incubator this morning, I had 2 new baby Jersey Giants, and another is zipping right now. How cool is it to be born on Memorial Day?
In between checking on the chicks, I am making a 6 pound batch of coconut oil soap, and I think my lye solution has cooled enough, so more news later!
Hi all I just got my new babies they are Tolbunt Polish smooth and frizzle and they are sooo cute. I still have some Cochins and a Cornish I am trying to sell but did not want to ship them at their age now. I also redid the paddock with a new nesting system for better use of space. The boxes are on the bottom for broodies with a poop deck above them to catch all the droppings from roosting birds. All in one neat little area. It is easy to keep clean just scoop out the straw once a week and all done

That looks awesome!!! Nice done!

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