Arizona Chickens

I'm feeling grumpy this morning because 2 of my 3 "Ameraucana pullets" are Easter Egger cockerels. The 2nd one began to crow this morning an they aren't even 2 months. If the 2nd one is then the 3rd one probably is as well. And 3 of my 4 straight run Marans are boys. I just wanted to add some more color to my flock eggs. I bought 12 straight run of the cheaper birds(BR, RIR, BO and Leghorn) and only wound up with 2 males. But pay more and get mostly boys? Frustrating. I still have no idea what my cochins or SLW are. Afraid my SLW and Cochins might all be male at this point. Not really but, grrr.
I'm feeling grumpy this morning because 2 of my 3 "Ameraucana pullets" are Easter Egger cockerels. The 2nd one began to crow this morning an they aren't even 2 months. If the 2nd one is then the 3rd one probably is as well. And 3 of my 4 straight run Marans are boys. I just wanted to add some more color to my flock eggs. I bought 12 straight run of the cheaper birds(BR, RIR, BO and Leghorn) and only wound up with 2 males. But pay more and get mostly boys? Frustrating. I still have no idea what my cochins or SLW are. Afraid my SLW and Cochins might all be male at this point. Not really but, grrr.

Take photo's of your bird's from the side & head shot's.. That way we could see them good enough to be able to tell if they are cockerel's... Right before the tail feather's.. The sickle feathers..
Where did you order from? If they offer any guarantee, you can probably call and get your money back.
No guarantees, just a semi-local pet store.

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