Arizona Chickens

Quote: They have a domed top with a handle, and it looks like they COULD sit on it if they wanted to, but mine never have. They are the most poop-free items in my pens. They are some kind of hard plastic, and maybe they're too slippery?

Just tried to upload a pic again with my phone, and it ain't happenin'. I think my phone needs an update.
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These are kind of cone shaped, with the big end at the top, the lid is actually larger than the water tray below, so even if they did perch on top, the poop would miss. Go up to REVIEWS at the top of the screen, and search for "Harris Farms waterer", it is listed as #3 in popularity.

Or click on my profile, and click on reviews. It's the only review I ever posted.
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Ugh, 112 degrees predicted for here on Saturday. Every year I lose at least one male that is housed in my small 4'x4' bachelor pens from the heat, due to their design. So last night in the dark, I moved 9 of them into the bigger pens. Two pens had been emptied out so put 2 Ameraucana cocks in one and 3 Black Copper Marans cocks in another. Then added 2 Barred Rocks to 3 existing BR males. And one Black Copper Marans went in with 2 others and a Barred Rock. One Rhode Island Red went in with 3 hens. This afternoon, the only one showing any problem was one of the Barred Rocks that went in with 3 others. His comb was bloodied and he was hiding in a corner. So I put him in with the 2 Ameraucanas, he is bigger than they are and hopefully will hold his own in there.

5 more males in single pens--going to try to add them to others tonight and see how they get along. I might still lose a bird in this heat, but at least they have a better chance where they can move around more.

I'm down to only 3 extra roosters in my bachelor pad with the rest of them free-ranging with the girls, where they can always find plenty of shade, clean drinking water, and free-flowing water to cool off in. My small flock of Bielefelders are still struggling a lot with the heat though. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't lose them this year, but these birds were definitely not designed for our desert heat. Even my Bielefelder crosses struggle more with the heat than my other breeds. Poor, sweet chickens.
Ugh, 112 degrees predicted for here on Saturday. Every year I lose at least one male that is housed in my small 4'x4' bachelor pens from the heat, due to their design. So last night in the dark, I moved 9 of them into the bigger pens. Two pens had been emptied out so put 2 Ameraucana cocks in one and 3 Black Copper Marans cocks in another. Then added 2 Barred Rocks to 3 existing BR males. And one Black Copper Marans went in with 2 others and a Barred Rock. One Rhode Island Red went in with 3 hens. This afternoon, the only one showing any problem was one of the Barred Rocks that went in with 3 others. His comb was bloodied and he was hiding in a corner. So I put him in with the 2 Ameraucanas, he is bigger than they are and hopefully will hold his own in there.

5 more males in single pens--going to try to add them to others tonight and see how they get along. I might still lose a bird in this heat, but at least they have a better chance where they can move around more.

I'm down to only 3 extra roosters in my bachelor pad with the rest of them free-ranging with the girls, where they can always find plenty of shade, clean drinking water, and free-flowing water to cool off in. My small flock of Bielefelders are still struggling a lot with the heat though. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't lose them this year, but these birds were definitely not designed for our desert heat. Even my Bielefelder crosses struggle more with the heat than my other breeds. Poor, sweet chickens. 

I did cull a few this weekend, but the heat and flies kept the number low. Still have 23 in the BOQ, hope to get that number down to 10 or so in the near future.
I have been a lurker here for a couple of years, but I just created an account. I have a broody hen and I'm trying to figure out what to do. I'm hoping someone with more experience can help me out. I really want Austrolorp chicks, but I haven't been able to find any fertile eggs. Does anyone here have any or know where I can find them? I'm in Mesa. Thank you for your time.

I have been trying for an hour to post a thread on the AZ page. I think I might have finally done it correctly. Unfortunately, I copied the thread from a different page so the pics might not be the best.

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