Arizona Chickens

I've been searching for some help/information & coming up empty. I was wondering if anyone had experienced this with one of their birds before....a hard bump on the beak just below the comb. I just had Mr Lola (Lola til discovered it was a boy) brought back to me since the gentleman who had him can't have roosters & the bump was there. Everything that I can find points to possible injury or infection or similar. I've been putting the Hen Healer stuff on it since Monday when he came back. I'm wondering if maybe I should be using a drawing salve instead. He's doing fine, eating, drinking, crowing, & doesn't seem bothered by it. It's attached though an edge looks like it's very slightly lifted.


The 2nd chick is peeping and trying to get out of it's shell now.

LOL! Watching chicks you want to see hatch is like watching a pot of water you want to have come to a boil.
I'm happily living vicariously through you right now.
Believe it or not, you just gave me an idea for a new Arizona thread for in the spring. We could call it "The Arizona Spring Hatching Party". It would be for those of us in our state. What would the rest of you think about doing one together?
Well, I can be the cheering section unless one of my girls go broody.....I don't think I'll have an incubator by then. Maybe a candler.
I know I need to get one, but other items are separate breeding coop/run for my little families.

I'm certain my oldest group has had fertile eggs...I've seen the 'bulls-eye' when I've checked in cracking eggs to eat.
Well, I can be the cheering section unless one of my girls go broody.....I don't think I'll have an incubator by then. Maybe a candler.
I know I need to get one, but other items are separate breeding coop/run for my little families.

I'm certain my oldest group has had fertile eggs...I've seen the 'bulls-eye' when I've checked in cracking eggs to eat.

I had extra room in my incubator this time, and I could have helped you to hatch out a few of yours. In the spring though, I will probably have it full. I found a small pullet egg today, and trying to figure out if if was the splash pullet one or the blue one.

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