Arizona Chickens

I had extra room in my incubator this time, and I could have helped you to hatch out a few of yours. In the spring though, I will probably have it full. I found a small pullet egg today, and trying to figure out if if was the splash pullet one or the blue one.
Thanks. No this stage it's a mashup of breeds. Could mean some interesting outcomes though. I'm not even sure if just sticking the eggs in the fridge unwashed is how to store them til needed or how I should.
I've been searching for some help/information & coming up empty. I was wondering if anyone had experienced this with one of their birds before....a hard bump on the beak just below the comb. I just had Mr Lola (Lola til discovered it was a boy) brought back to me since the gentleman who had him can't have roosters & the bump was there. Everything that I can find points to possible injury or infection or similar. I've been putting the Hen Healer stuff on it since Monday when he came back. I'm wondering if maybe I should be using a drawing salve instead. He's doing fine, eating, drinking, crowing, & doesn't seem bothered by it. It's attached though an edge looks like it's very slightly lifted.


I have no idea what that is. Sorry I can't help, but I can sympathize with not knowing.
I've been searching for some help/information & coming up empty. I was wondering if anyone had experienced this with one of their birds before....a hard bump on the beak just below the comb. I just had Mr Lola (Lola til discovered it was a boy) brought back to me since the gentleman who had him can't have roosters & the bump was there. Everything that I can find points to possible injury or infection or similar. I've been putting the Hen Healer stuff on it since Monday when he came back. I'm wondering if maybe I should be using a drawing salve instead. He's doing fine, eating, drinking, crowing, & doesn't seem bothered by it. It's attached though an edge looks like it's very slightly lifted.


Wow! That bump looks like it is about to cover up the nostrils. Is it still breathing OK?
I have no idea what that is. Sorry I can't help, but I can sympathize with not knowing.
Thank you. I probably did bad, but I came across several things about trying to lance I got a sterilized needle & just scraped the top of it...poked in barely above the surface, etc. It's like a hardened/built up scab type thing. Under the top is softer. None of this bothered Mr Lola & when I finished I put more ointment on it. He's pecking around for food right now. So, we'll see how it looks later today. Hoping it'll help. If it does then I might just slowly scrap the surface every so often. I'm worried as it's right to the edge of his beak & one nostril. Plus, I can see where it's come up from underneath & it split his beak in developing. For now, it's watch carefully & make sure it doesn't inhibit breathing, etc.
Wow! That bump looks like it is about to cover up the nostrils. Is it still breathing OK?
It is right up to one nostril & the edge of his beak. Surprisingly he is. He's in FULL, LOUD voice in the morning too. He is such a sweet, spoiled little thing too. Turns out his little girl carried him everywhere, daily. Her Dad said the only place he thinks he ever walked was in the coop. So, he's a perfect friend right now for Sherlock. Soon as Sherlock's Den is finished they'll be outside. They stay in their area which is nice. Well, since the 1st morning. I woke up to find him checking out my bedroom. I think he was looking for his family.
See? That's what I'm clueless about. I have to look into that more. So right now eggs are collected, any yuckiness cleaned off, then into the fridge. Keeping as much of the bloom as possible so the egg lasts longer. How to store to hatch, how long, or anything I'm totally clueless.

If you want to hatch the eggs, storing them at room temperature (65-78*) is sufficient until you've collected the number of eggs you want to hatch. Putting them in the refrigerator results in poor hatch rate. It's just too cold for them.
If you want to hatch the eggs, storing them at room temperature (65-78*) is sufficient until you've collected the number of eggs you want to hatch. Putting them in the refrigerator results in poor hatch rate. It's just too cold for them.
Thanks. When I start collecting I'll have to adjust my house temp or figure out something. I keep it about 83 during the day then lower at night. Sounds like it'd be too warm. I'm learning all the time....yay!!

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