Arizona Chickens

All of these gorgeous pullets are so very tempting! I've got to finish out our run before we get anymore though. Just love those Delawares! Can't wait till mine starts laying, I've heard good things about their big white eggs and prolific quantity.
How often would you have to fill that feeder for that many hens? It seems that those types would lessen the ability for them to "bill out", thus reducing the waste. I haven't decided on what route to go yet (bucket, PVC pipe etc.) --BB
Hi Bobby, thanks for the reply. The feeder in the photo is an extra one that I fill once a day. The main feeder is a large round metal hanging feeder that's in their yard. This long feeder in the photo is really good at preventing spillage and feed being kicked out, but it doesn't hold a full day's supply for all these girls.
All of these gorgeous pullets are so very tempting! I've got to finish out our run before we get anymore though. Just love those Delawares! Can't wait till mine starts laying, I've heard good things about their big white eggs and prolific quantity.
Hi SonoranChick, thanks for your reply. Yes, aren't Delawares pretty, and they have such pleasant dispositions:).
Hello everyone!!!

I have a bit of sad news for myself, but honestly good news for others.

I need to reduce my flock size. I can keep 4 birds, I have chosen which.

My other 6, all hens under the age of 4, are going to need re homing. I live in Vail, and can drive into town to drop off as far as Tucson Mall.

I currently have

Finn (Barred Rock Hen, 2 years. Molting)
Quinn (Barred Rock Hen, 2 years. In Tact Feathers)
Reba (Gold Laced Wyandotte Hen, 2 years. Molting)
Gladys (Easter Egger Hen, 1.5 years, New Feathers)
Go Pro (Barred Rock Hen, 3.5 yeas, Molting)
Winnifred ( Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1 year, Molting)

None of them have any remaining symptoms, aside from missing feathers .

please text me or PM me if you have any questions!!! (I answer texts before I answer calls, as my phone does not identify cller ID's that are not contacts)
Hi SonoranChick, thanks for your reply. Yes, aren't Delawares pretty, and they have such pleasant dispositions:).
Don't Delawares lay a light brown egg? I've read thousands of posts and can't remember at the moment. I would like to start a flock with a few Delawares, ISA Browns, and some type of Heritage breed, maybe about 9 total. It's still a tossup right now. I just don't want any flighty birds screaming bloody murder every time you enter the run/coop area.
Hey Folks, just been surfing around.

Do any of you subscribe to the Tucson Organic chicken Feed Wholesale Buyers Club? I guess they take orders once every two months and deliver in Tucson or Phoenix. It sounds rather interesting and just curious as to what the locals do when shopping for feed. --BB
Don't Delawares lay a light brown egg? I've read thousands of posts and can't remember at the moment. I would like to start a flock with a few Delawares, ISA Browns, and some type of Heritage breed, maybe about 9 total. It's still a tossup right now. I just don't want any flighty birds screaming bloody murder every time you enter the run/coop area.

Delewares do lay a brown egg on the larger side of the scale. My Buttercup is the flock enforcer. She breaks up squabbles and makes sure that the girls are all behaving. She's not the yard boss though, she defers to my 2 barred rocks. She just keeps everyone else in line. Great bird, and very gentle. She does have a rather loud egg song though. Otherwise she's pretty quiet.
Don't Delawares lay a light brown egg? I've read thousands of posts and can't remember at the moment. I would like to start a flock with a few Delawares, ISA Browns, and some type of Heritage breed, maybe about 9 total. It's still a tossup right now. I just don't want any flighty birds screaming bloody murder every time you enter the run/coop area.
Ahhh Bobby you're right, the Delaware lays a jumbo brown egg. Good catch! Maybe I'm so excited for eggs I'm getting my shell shades mixed up :p I LOVE isa browns as well, they are so sweet. And my buff orph reminds me of a golden retriever, she's super soft and has the disposition of a good old dog. I, too, wanted to avoid having flighty chickens and I think breed is important but hand-raising and socializing with them is also key.

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