Arizona Chickens

The owners of the chickens called Animal Control. Animal Control brought out a huge trap cage, and tried to trap the dogs for 2 nights using cat food as bait. The dogs were too smart to get caught, and are still running loose. If it were my chickens that it had happened to, I would have shot the dogs that had my chicken's in it's mouth! I don't let my chicken's free range though, and nothing can get in to how I have them set up.
I also forbid free ranging...we had an incident with dogs years ago and I now keep my chickens in the "Fort Knox" of coops...overhead protection as well. We just can't be too careful with our harsh environment in the desert. Chickens can be surprisingly hardy and I love that about them, but I am a paranoid chicken mama and I'd rather err on the side of safety.
Hello All! I am new to BackYard Chickens and new to chicken life in general. I am expecting my first chicks next week - Easter Egger, Leghorn, Speckled Sussex, and a Barred Plymouth Rock.

I am soaking up all the information and can and am so glad I found you all!
Welcome! :welcome So happy to have anothe AZ member! I am jealous...have always wanted a speckled Sussex.
The owners of the chickens called Animal Control. Animal Control brought out a huge trap cage, and tried to trap the dogs for 2 nights using cat food as bait. The dogs were too smart to get caught, and are still running loose. If it were my chickens that it had happened to, I would have shot the dogs that had my chicken's in it's mouth! I don't let my chicken's free range though, and nothing can get in to how I have them set up.

I love animals...grew up with them back in the 50's and 60's. When it comes to some irresponsible owner letting their dogs roaming at random, destroying live stock and pets, that's when I draw the line.

Call me mean, but I have no problem with shooting a killer and laying it on their doorstep with a kind note attached. Maybe they'll learn next time before letting their rogue animals run free.

These are animals/pets that you have invested in, whether it be for profit or not. I don't know what's going on with people now a days, but they don't have consideration for others.
I love animals...grew up with them back in the 50's and 60's. When it comes to some irresponsible owner letting their dogs roaming at random, destroying live stock and pets, that's when I draw the line.

Call me mean, but I have no problem with shooting a killer and laying it on their doorstep with a kind note attached. Maybe they'll learn next time before letting their rogue animals run free.

These are animals/pets that you have invested in, whether it be for profit or not. I don't know what's going on with people now a days, but they don't have consideration for others.
I love animals...grew up with them back in the 50's and 60's. When it comes to some irresponsible owner letting their dogs roaming at random, destroying live stock and pets, that's when I draw the line.

Call me mean, but I have no problem with shooting a killer and laying it on their doorstep with a kind note attached. Maybe they'll learn next time before letting their rogue animals run free.

These are animals/pets that you have invested in, whether it be for profit or not. I don't know what's going on with people now a days, but they don't have consideration for others.

You are right. If you take the cost of a hen that is laying eggs every good, and multiply it by those 20 hens, you can see how much money (chicken hens and eggs) that was lost by those irresponsible dog owners. The only 2 survivors were the 2 penned up roosters that the dogs couldn't get to, and everyone knows that roosters don't lay eggs.
Hello All! I am new to BackYard Chickens and new to chicken life in general. I am expecting my first chicks next week - Easter Egger, Leghorn, Speckled Sussex, and a Barred Plymouth Rock.

I am soaking up all the information and can and am so glad I found you all!
Welcome to AZ BYC!! There is so much info inside these folks heads so you've come to the right place! I'm also envious of the Speckled Sussex and laugh about the cheesy leghorns! They have the most fun of any chicken I've known. Enjoy your new normal.
I see 4 I wish I could take but in a hoa at present not allowed to have a coop. They are very healthy nice looking birds.

I had to go back a few pages here to find your post about HOA. Today when I went out to check my mail, I seen a for sale sign 2 yards down from me. There is already a coop with run in the backyard behind the house. My suggestion is to move out of your HOA, and move in to be my neighbor!

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