Arizona Chickens

Haha okay glad to know I'm not the only one who speaks to them like they're kids :gig I used to teach 2nd grade and I use my teacher lines with them all the personal favorite..."You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!" They look at me like I'm nuts. If only I could take away their recess :lol:
i do that to, but my first reaction is HEY STOP YOU BAD GIRLS....LOL.. and loud & that really got their attention , they do pay attention to that i didnt teach school , im fact i played a lot of hooky, & never hardly ever went all, all my life then left when i was suppose to be in 9 th grade , i had a lot of better things to do like being a farmer i loved my farm i cold never think of any other place to be so the last place you would find me was in but i raised 9 kids by my self starting at age 27 & some i found & took in off the streets who were home less , after my first husband died in an accident & most of them were teens , but for the last 2 who were 1 & 2 years old , so chickens to me are almost like a bunch of bad and you got to stick to your guns to get your way with know i was one HA :D:lau:gig:p:gig

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