Arizona Chickens

Our childhood pets when I was growing up was the bugs we found under rocks and kept in old relish jars with holes poked in the lid.... :rolleyes: .. although we did have a cat.
My in-laws know me as the bug girl from elementary school because I am insect-obsessed! My husband and I would catch all sorts of Arthropods on the playground. First question his father asked when we started dating was, “are you still into bugs?” :lau

We had all sorts of pets growing up, but when we were too young to take care of our own pets my dad only had pets he wanted because he was doing the work. Had my first millipedes and a cat at 8, though, and an iguana and some goldfish I won at a fair.
My in-laws know me as the bug girl from elementary school because I am insect-obsessed! My husband and I would catch all sorts of Arthropods on the playground. First question his father asked when we started dating was, “are you still into bugs?” :lau

We had all sorts of pets growing up, but when we were too young to take care of our own pets my dad only had pets he wanted because he was doing the work. Had my first millipedes and a cat at 8, though, and an iguana and some goldfish I won at a fair.
My parents did try letting me have goldfish for a little while. It wasn't long before I figured out that if I caught them up with the net and pressed them on paper the pretty scales would come off on the paper and I could draw pictures around it. They didn't last long.. and once they were gone I didn't get any replacements and the tank was taken away.... :rolleyes:
Years after that I had stick bugs that a teacher at school gave me. One day I forgot to put the lid back on them and they escaped. A few weeks later I walked into my room to find baby stick bugs all over my walls and ceiling... :eek::lau
I remember catching a honey bee and putting it in a jar like that when I was young. I thought that the bee would fill up the jar full of honey for me. :lau
My dad had bee hive boxes since before I was born so I knew how the honey was made. We could get a couple gallons out of them every year. One year he taught me how to identify the drones from the workers, as the drones don't have stingers. So i proceeded to catch a few and go show the neighborhood kids that I could hold bees without getting stung. I was the cool kid for at least one day.. :p
Isn't the Feather Fixer for those going through a molt, or can you keep feeding it long after?
I've been using it year round. Make sure the birds have free access to oyster shell or other calcium source. I have intermittent issues with mites here, especially on the roosters. The feather fixer has helped. Don't have to treat the birds as frequently.
I've been using it year round. Make sure the birds have free access to oyster shell or other calcium source. I have intermittent issues with mites here, especially on the roosters. The feather fixer has helped. Don't have to treat the birds as frequently.
Where do the Tucson Folks shop for their feed? I've only been grabbing the Nature Serve starter/grower at ACE Hardware since that's what they've been started on. I haven't been to OK Feed and Supply lately, but gotta make a run to get some things. I don't know if they sell any Purena products for poultry.
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None of my animals ever touch Purina. I get either Nutrena, which is sold at alot of places, the store brand Dumor at TSC when I'm feeling thrifty, or if I can get it I prefer what Maid Rite feeds in Wilcox sells but that's a 2 hour drive for me.

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