Arizona Chickens

Hatching eggs? What do you have???

I swore I wouldn't be getting any more chickens - ever! But my broody has me thinking about it again...

Silver laced Wyandottes and Phoenix are laying well. What I like about the Phoenix is that you can identify the roosters around 2 weeks as they start to get the longer tail feathers. I also have a cuckoo Marans over easter Eggers. And I have frizzled cochins laying but they are not separated by color. I'm happy to collect fresh for you (one breed or an assortment). Just let me know.
Today I will be giving some 'pain in the rear' broody Silkies some eggs to sit on. I've got 4 of them all piled up in the corner. Last time I gave a broody some eggs, she broke all of them! I hope it goes better this time. I think I'm going to kick the Silkies not broody into the coop with the chicks.

Today two roosters got off'd. My buff silkie and Frizzle cochin. A lady from hubby work only eats fresh chicken. So now I'm not worried about what to do with roosters. I haven't been able to kill any unless it was being done for the purpose of being humane. I guess I need to view them as food and not just pets.

I am going to candle eggs tonight. I originally had some in my homemade incubator and decided to move them to the little giant and I'm glad I did. I had a 102.5 temp for probably 8 hours. Its probably from the temp fuctuations in the kitchen. The little giant is in my bedroom and I keep it really cool/consistent because I store eggs on a shelf in my room. I'm thinking of scrapping the eggs in there because 80% had blood rings already. Probably from the bad temp and then move it to my room also so that there is no fluctuations in room temp. I'm just having the greatest luck with this homemade machine.
Brinsea's are on sale super cheap... go check them out....
Octogon 20

Mine also has the auto turn cradle and the humidity pump but they are extra.
Still the temp is set and it comes with an alarm for the humidity.

can I have one of the future chicks? If it has wings it would do REALLY well in agility trials. Immagine 10" tall jumping over a 26" obstacle...

At present I have 16 eggs that have been laid in the last 3 days.

13 are FBCMs and FBCM X GCM with 3 BW X W/BW.

I had two other blue eggs but they are first eggs so I put them in the fridge. I also put the lighter GCM eggs in the fridge.

If no one else is interested, I'll put the above in the fridge tomorrow and take a dozen over to the neighbors.


When I hatch in January, I'll sell you 6 chicks...3 of each variety (6 chicks) for $6 total.... because you were nice and sold me your roo.
I have pictures for you! Your pretty polish pullet has hair! She also has feathers that look like a gold chain around her neck, then a big gold patch on her chest. I think her name should be Snoop because of all the bling
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Post her pic!

I thought we were going to Picacho Peak this weekend... but the scouts are going elsewhere so we will just have to figure out a time when I can meet you half way.

My marans are laying well, but the ameraucanas are doing badly. I'm getting some new pullet eggs that are real blue, but you don't want those. Can't wait to make the trade.
Bob's Henhouse :

Mahonri, what does it's crow sound like? And does it point at itself? I'm in line for one of its offspring.

I'm glad that dogs/chickens don't really look like that... you could get pecked to death!​
So what are you all doing for fun this weekend?

Tomorrow we'll be going to Mesa to spend some time with a friend, then to my son's play at Shadow Mountain.

DS#5 will be going on a scout campout so I suppose I'll be cleaning the coop.

Sunday I teach the 2nd half of Jeremiah for Sunday School. Should be fun.

Has anyone heard from Laree? I actually have a pic of her duck with my son in front of some famous Hungarian landmark.

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