Arizona Chickens

I just went out there to check for egg's and to refill the water pan's for them. As I did that, I also let the water run over the top a bit so it would dampen the ground by the area, and out pop's this mouse. I had a chicken show! One of the pullet's that's about to start laying egg's grabbed it and wouldn't let go, while the other one's were chasing her trying to get it away from her. I guess that I better not sell her, as she's a good mouser, huh? :gig
Thats funny, i can totally imagine the zooming around!!
Id like to investigate something that i could clean out like a kitty litter box.
Try to get some Sweet PDZ. I know it may not be available everywhere, but places like TSC, should carry it. I use it as base layer in my coop. Then I place hay. PDZ is granular like course sand. It would be easy to sift thru with a kitty scooper.
PDZ neutralizes ammonia.
Try to get some Sweet PDZ. I know it may not be available everywhere, but places like TSC, should carry it. I use it as base layer in my coop. Then I place hay. PDZ is granular like course sand. It would be easy to sift thru with a kitty scooper.
PDZ neutralizes ammonia.
Thanks, im going to look that up!
I'm about 10-15 miles north of your area, and I've seen a few small (baby?) centipedes (could be milipedes). I have a small tupperware container that I used for ant bait (ants can get in, but beaks can't), but like the idea of something safe for livestock like @BlueBaby suggested!

Thanks. I thought they would eat most the bugs. So, centipedes and ants can be a problem. Any other bugs?
Well, it has a giant red butt... (if its still alive).. so i don't see how i can put it with the others and not have them do the same thing to it. So i can give it a chance to let it heal, or leave it to die where is at?
How about treat it with some blu kote and see if it can integrate? Better yet, chickens do better if they're not the odd one out so get it a friend and put them both in jail. Then when you get rid of them the sickly one that gets picked on will have a better chance at integrating with its new flock?
There's more to life than just being alive. Chickens are flock animals, they don't live solitary lives.

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